
Saturday 26 February 2022

Junker 750 Point Tiny Troops Army


I've finished the tiny warband I've been working on for the last week or so!

The force consists of two large Convict Legionnaire squads, a unit of Exo Suits, a small squad of Suicide Legionnaires and a captured Assault Androsynth squad led by an Enforcer to ensure the lowly convicts tow the line.

While the little guys are not particularly detailed, they will allow me to play a decent sized game using troops only from the core original Void rulebook which allowed any army to use a selection of models from other factions which is why I have a bunch of salvaged Androsynths fighting for Ironglass!

The Androsynths are possibly my favourite sculpts as they've turned out really cute! Game wise, they've got a pair of Cestus which allows them to really add some close combat power to my force. Their basic programming will force them to rush towards the closest enemy unit but I do like the idea of the Junkers having unleashed some poorly programmed and destructive robot assault troops on their unsuspecting foes!

The Exo Suits turned out ok but I think I'd rework them if I was to make them again as they're a bit blocky but in the game, they look like they're going to be totally bad ass with a mixture of Flamers, Grape Guns and Cestus. I plan on using them to crush enemies once the lowly convicts soak up any incoming fire from the enemy.

Suicide Troopers! Every despotic sci-fi army seems to need insane fellows strapped with explosive charges to hurl themselves at the enemy and it will be interesting to see how they actually work in the game.

Enforcer! This little dude can trigger the Convict Legionnaire's Neural Spike and instantly kill them to restore order to panicked units and is somewhat akin to the Junkers version of a Commissar but I'm suspecting he's going to be more effective at lurking behind the troops than getting stuck in to the thick of it and fluff wise, he's the leader of my force.

I've really enjoyed working on this project and I suspect I'll be making some more of the tiny troops for other games or forces in the not too distant future but I really want to get back to my Rangers of Shadowdeep and Planet 28 projects so will be taking a bit of a break from tiny troops for a while to allow me to get the other odds and ends I've got in various stages of completion out of the way before moving back to it.

The eventual plan is to get enough put together to allow me to play a 750 point game of Void to properly try out the system as I'm keen to keep trying out and playing different games and this approach is allowing me to churn out a decent little army with minimal time and cost and as I've previously mentioned, I think I'll be doing more in the future for the larger scale skirmish games I have in my collection which will be great as I've got so many rulesets that I'm highly unlikely to ever get chance to play otherwise due to a combination of the figures being too expensive or hard to get or just the fact that the prospect of painting an actual army in 28mm fills me with dread!

With that in mind, I've set my sights on getting the Void project out of the way first and will then move onto either Kryomek, VOR: The Maelstrom or 40k with these tiny chaps but I've yet to settle on which one I will do.

I've got quite a few more bits and bobs that are needing photographing to put up here but I'm struggling somewhat with lighting at present, especially as our spare room is currently stowed full of stuff as we're getting work done in the flat due to water damage caused by the great flood so getting a decent set up is proving a bit of a challenge. Still I'll persevere and get the stuff up this weekend so watch this space!

Until then, All the best!


  1. The more you make, the more to love. I particularly like the robots! Such a cool project!

    1. Thanks!

      The little robots are my favourite thus far I must admit and I've got the beginning of the next force made and hope to get it painted up in the next few days!

  2. Dude, this would work great with VOR.

    1. Indeed it would!

      I've got plans to make some warbands for the game but have been blasting through some Void first but will be setting my sights on Vor next!

  3. These are cool sculpts, and they work really well together. They remind me of old computer games. The various types of soldier look sufficiently different but fit each other well. It's a great project.

    1. Thanks!

      The simplicity of the little guys makes for a quick and easy paint job too so its possible to churn out a decent sized skirmish force in a day or two!
