
Wednesday 26 January 2022

Flintloque and Deadloque Additions!


I actually finished painting these guys late last year but didn't get the bases completed until the other day so I figured it was high time I grabbed some photos of them before they got put into the cabinet!

First up, here's a new Rifle Orc for my 95th Rifles led by Lieutenant Sharke: 

I may have mentioned it before but the figures are cast from tin rather than pewter and as such are a bit of a nightmare to clean the flash off and his sword bayonet is bent and I couldn't get it to straighten out without the danger of breaking it but it kind of works for an unwashed Orc!

Here's the trio thus far:

As I've mentioned previously, the old Flintloque figures are brilliant sculpts with buckets of character and as they're so chunky, they are really pleasing to paint and they're making for a really rewarding little side project for me to pootle away at from time to time.

Finally there's an old Crucible Dwarf Thunderchief that I converted to use in my Deadloque warband:

I sculpted on the mighty Russian style hat to give him a more Flintloque feel and quite like how he turned out. The original figure was a strange combination of a really nice figure with a pretty weird megaphone combined with a blunderbuss but it does the job for a fearless vampire hunting Dwarf in the frozen Witchlands!

In other news, I've also got some bits and bobs for my Planet 28/40k skirmishes which I'll post up in the next couple of days once they're finished and I've also managed to pick up a decent copy of 4th edition 40k for a princely 99p which compared to the silly prices of 1st and 2nd edition is pretty much a bargain!

I'm looking forward to having a good read once it arrives but in the meantime I've got a fair bit of painting on the go, not to mention rummaging through my assorted rulesets for inspiration (worryingly I keep finding more stuff that I want to play or try out or paint up!)

Hopefully I'll have some more stuff to post up in the next day or so but until then, All the best!


  1. Haha, I like them a lot! The Orc has quite a particular charm, you made a great job on him!

    1. Many thanks!

      They're rather fun figures to work with and have loads of character!

  2. A great looking bunch of minis. I like how the squad is shaping up. Great choice on the color pallet. I've seen enough historical stuff to say these guys would fit in well.
