
Thursday 18 March 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Project Log Day 83: Space Crusade Style Skirmishing


As part of my ongoing Sci-Fi Skirmish rummagings, I find myself in need of a spaceship/building interior to run some scenarios in, be they trawling through catacombs or some rusting hulk on the frontier. 

This got me to thinking about using a Warhammer Quest style random board setup approach but I also quite liked the idea of a Space Crusade type of board for quickly representing a building complex for my warbands to fight over.

Random Space Crusade Layout

I've spent much of today mocking up stuff with paper to see how it will work and made a rough wall array using foamcore and had spent a fair amount of time detailing it before realising that I'd made the doors too small for the layout I needed. Coupled with the fact that I'd glued it all together and had a 2 foot square X that would prove to be a pain in the backside to store anywhere, I sat down and had a bit of a rethink.

Going back to the drawing board, I settled on using thick card and made sure I made the doors big enough and have spent the rest of the day detailing it and have started painting it this evening. Sadly this means that I've not got it ready to showcase for this evenings update but hopefully it will be worth the wait.

I'm also working on getting some more Adeptus Mechanicus stuff painted which I'm hoping to have finished later this week but it's kind of taking a back seat at the moment as I'm trying to get the basic terrain built and ready!

Hopefully I'll have the basic structure built and ready for tomorrows update but in the meantime, All the best!


  1. Well, you ideas sound promising, good luck!

    1. Many thanks!

      I'm busily grubbying up the terrain at the moment so should have a decent update for this evening!

  2. Nice idea.

    I'm hoping to get a decent quality printer soon and use some off the pdfs off wargames vault (or free ones). I have the gsm card, just nothing to print with.

    1. Good luck!

      My printer is utterly rubbish for printing and I really need to invest in a decent one myself but it does for printing out odds and ends.

      Ideally I'd love to be able to print out my assorted rules pdf's and bind them as a physical copy is so much better than trying to read it on screen!
