
Saturday 13 February 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Project Log Day 50: Smallhammer!


I've had a bit of a ponder about my ongoing hankering for some fantasy mass battle type gaming and have decided to have a go at a Smallhammer style game. 

Instead of playing using 28mm, I've settled on 15mm as it's got a good level of detail but is still cheaper than 28mm and will allow me to actually play a decent sized game on a small table.

I plan on using the setting of Crucible, a fantasy version of the conquest of the New World. Rules wise, I'm not sure what I'll be using but the scale should allow me to use whatever armies I fancy without spending a fortune. For example, if I want to play using Chronopia rules, I'll need about 10-15 figures but if I'm using Crucible, I'll need 40-50 whilst Warhammer 50-100! This approach will give me a way of scaling up games from small skirmishes on the frontiers to pitched battles featuring whole regiments.

Long lost 15mm infantry!

I'm going to post a bit of background tomorrow alongside the approach I'm going to take to figures but I'll need to place a small order for square bases today as I've had a good look and have only got a handful left so will need to stock up from Warbases and I'm also going to order some Javis green flock to give me a rather fun retro finish to my collection.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. I’m always amazed at what people can do with 15 mm models. The ones above look great! I tried some a long time ago, but it wasn’t for me. These days I’m having trouble seeing the details on the 28-30 mm guys!

    1. Its actually pretty easy as you can get away without painting details as from the tabletop, they still look good!
