
Tuesday 2 February 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Day 39: Retro Terrain Part 5, Bauhaus Edition!


I've just finished painting the next of my retro terrain together and am trying to make it a bit more multi use so have given it a Bauhaus Megacorporation theme to it:

Like the rest of my buildings, I cut some shapes from mounting board and with a fair amount of glue make the buildings basic shape before decorating it with thin cardboard oddments. The roof is thin card superglued into place and covered in polyfilla which gave it a bit of thickness, texture and strength it didn't have when it was just card. 

I used a circle cutter that I picked up at university but never used and am really impressed with how much fun it was to cut the rounded edges and will be using it for some more projects in the near future.

I've enjoyed making themed terrain like this and have plans to add some more workshops, housing, bunkers, mines and oil derricks when I get the chance. The total cost for this piece was about £1.00 for materials compared to nearer £20 for buying something similar in MDF so I'm liking the savings and loving the building process!

I've got quite a bit made thus far but want to keep going as the settlement is really starting to come together and I really like that the variety of terrain one can make cheaply and easily is most satisfying!

Hopefully I'll have more stuff finished tomorrow and I'm also mid way through writing up a battle report using Warzone 1st edition that I played yesterday to try and remember the rules as I've not played a game for over 20 years now!

In the meantime, All the best!

1 comment:

  1. That looks great! I love the painted symbol in particular. This project is coming on well!
