
Tuesday 26 January 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Project Log Day 32: Retro Terrain 3


I spent a bit of time yesterday playing around with cardboard and have built some properly retro ruins based on the How to Make Wargame Terrain book!

Made from a double layer of corrugated cardboard card for the walls and the floors and base being made with mounting board. I sealed the edges with a thin piece of masking tape to make it look a bit more solid.

Whole they're not the most exciting, they're dead handy and I had lots of fun making them and they really look the part as a retro terrain must. I departed from the original guide a bit by using the mounting board base as it's a bit sturdier than the original design suggested. I also used a double layer of corrugated card, taped together with double sided tape to give them a bit more heft. I also used some cocktail sticks to represent bars or girders.

Given a suitably grungy paint job, they will give me some much needed cover for my games and are quick and easy enough to make a decent amount in very little time. I plan on using some similar techniques to make a settlement! 

Looking at the ruins, I think I'll add some vegetation to the bases to give a bit more interest and liven them up. 

Looking forward, I need to write up some of my background and crack on with some more painting. My Imperial Inquisitorial retinue is slowly coming together and I'm also eyeing up some Ork boyz that I have lying around...

Hopefully in the next few days I'll have a ton of ruins to explore and some more odds and ends painted up too and may try to play another game or two. Thus far this year, I've played a couple of solo games, one of Void 1.1 and the other of Rogue Trader but they've been more about reacquainting myself with the rules so haven't been worth posting a report but hopefully I'll be able to get some more exciting games done in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. You are cranking this stuff out. Great job. I like these way better than the same old GW bits everyone has.

    1. Many thanks!

      Its been fun to build all this old stuff that a teenage me made back in the day but making a less cack handed job of it!

  2. I like your ruins a lot. I started to play 40K with the 4th edition. If I remember well the rulebook encouraged players to scratch built their terrain and had instructions to make ruins like yours. Cheers, Karl

    1. Its a bit of a shame that theres not still that element to GW but I suppose they make their own models of scenery now and push them instead but I can't help feeling that making your own is more fun and rewarding!

    2. I agree. GW was more fun when they were still publishing terrain books and articles about how to make your own terrain. So it's nice to see your series about DIY retro terrain on your blog ...

    3. Indeed! The terrain articles were always really inspiring and achievable and as a teenager with very little pocket money, they were a great way of getting terrain cheap!
