
Tuesday 19 January 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Project Log Day 25: Eldar Inspiration


I had hoped to be able to show my first completed Deathworld palm trees today but they are taking a lot longer to dry than expected (I suspect I added a bit too much water first to the glue and then the paint like a noob). Instead I thought I'd post up a few inspirational old school Eldar photos that I've found whilst perusing the interwebs.

First up, there's some classic Eldar armies from 1st/2nd edition from the pages of White Dwarf:

I vividly recall gazing at this particular warband for ages and bemoaning the fact that I couldn't paint that well back in the early 90's.

It's interesting that in both these armies, the lowly Guardians have been largely replaced by Aspect Warriors. I'm a big fan of Guardians and want to have a few more than are shown in these examples though and love the old grav platform heavy weapons. 

I suspect that folks love Eldar because you can really go to town with colour choices though...

Next up, there's the army centre pieces, the Dreadnoughts and War Walkers:

I love the dark blue and white combination but shudder to think about how to get such a smooth finish but the contrasting colours look fantastic, especially with the many sigils and runes!

War Robot! I remember having one of these back in the day, which came with one of the smaller drones! I think I have the bits to make another and may have to make it a priority for a sense of retro charm. I am tempted to see if I can get some of the new Eldar Dreadnought arms to make it a bit more dynamic though as the gun arm is a bit clunky compared to the sleek robot...

Aspect Warriors! I love the darker finish on some of these chaps as it gives them a more aggressive, sinister look to them which is rather different from the more usual dayglow style of Aspect Warriors.

I love the black/purple/red combo of the guy second from the left and may have to steal it for some pirates! 

Remember when the assorted 40k races had musicians? I think I've got one and will need to add a bard to my Eldar nobles retinue to record his exploits in heroic verse!

As with my other 40k stuff, I plan on shoehorning everything into my own version of The Imperium and having perused one or two other rulesets over the last couple of days, I have loads of ideas on how I can put together some interesting warbands so I'll need to see how I get on with this first batch and flesh out my existing stuff as I'm painfully aware that I've got lots of odd figures but nothing much to mesh them together into cohesive forces yet.

As it's just been announced that the lockdown is going to be running until at least mid February, I suspect I'll have a bit of time to get on to bulking out forces a bit but in the meantime, All the best!


  1. Fantastic pictures! I too remember being blown away by those in the 90s. I love how small the armies are, too. I still think that the metal eldar were some of the best they ever made. Sadly I gave mine away, but I've still got the dreadnoughts. I'll have to give them another go...

    1. There's something really pleasing about those old paint schemes. Despite them not being as technically done with all manner of modern techniques or airbrushing, they really shine.

  2. You are pushing the rogue trader eldar pirates I base coated and haven't touched since further up the project list with each post...

    1. Mwa ha ha! So many tempting projects! I seem to keep going off on a fresh tangent which is keeping me entertained but never making much progress with any specific project.
