
Friday 15 January 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Project Log Day 21: Retro Terrain Part 1


Here's the first of the terrain items that I've made after taking inspiration from the old How to Make Wargames Terrain!

It's a really simple piece consisting of an old instant chai can, some foamboard, cardboard and cocktail sticks. The vegetation is a mixture of cheap aquarium plants and paper.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out as it's got a lot of oldschool charm and after a bit of hesitation I went for a largely green base which actually turned out a lot nicer than I was expecting, giving a strong contrast between the grey, oranges and brown of the tower.

The model is based on a piece of pre-cut MDF that I picked up from Warbases a couple of years ago. I'm really enjoying making vegetation from pieces of paper too as it's rather therapeutic to paint, cut and shape the stuff. I plan on experimenting more to see what other types of terrain I can make from such simple materials.

Hopefully I can get my third Imperial trooper finished today and work on some more Flintloque stuff tomorrow and am keen to keep going with the retro terrain too!

I've also discovered a tub of oldschool figures sat under our sink that have been soaking in Dettol for some time and will see if I can get them properly stripped and see what I've got in the assorted bits and bobs. 

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. That looks great! How did you do the ladder?

    1. Many thanks!

      The ladder is thin card! I'll post a how to during my next terrain post!

  2. Looks great! I’d send my troops to fight over that tank!!

    1. Thanks!

      Its been fun to make old school scenics and I'm thinking of making a bunker next!

  3. Very nice piece of terrain. I like the rusty surface and the paper plants. Paper is one of my favourite materials to make terrain pieces with. Cheers, Karl

    1. Paper is a surprisingly useful terrain making item!
