
Sunday 10 January 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Project Log Day 16: The Lure of Oldhammer


Today I find myself in a bit of a quandary. I'm really enjoying my current projects with progress being scattergun in style but for all that successful as I'm painting, sculpting and generally staying hobby productive and sane during this lockdown. 

But despite all this, I am finding myself perusing all manner of Oldhammer gubbins. Maybe it's just the siren song of seeing all the awesome blogs out there or wanting to relive the heady excitement of my teens but even though I've posted about wanting to move on from GW gubbins, I keep finding myself drawn back.

I'm loath to succumb to the temptation of going back to either 40k or Fantasy Battle but there's something compelling about all those brightly coloured miniatures, lush scenery and classic sculpts. Sadly the cost of such a project seems to be getting beyond my budget these days and the sheer amount of time and effort it would take for such an undertaking is also I suspect beyond me.

This isn't deterring me though as I find myself still sorely tempted! I wonder if other folks find themselves tempted by projects they know are beyond them but still have a bash at them. Is there a way of channelling this enthusiasm or do I need to just resist temptation and just keep cracking on with my own stuff?

The only way I can see to get around my quandary is to pick up a couple of odds and ends and try to paint them and see how I get on. Maybe I can shoehorn such a scheme into an existing project, be it turn a 40k themed warband into something for Stargrave or Star Mogul or try out some small fantasy side project for some retro fanboying...

At present I have enough to keep me entertained for a while but I shall see how things go and if I do cave in to the temptation, hopefully it will be of interest to folks!


  1. Killteam, Shadow war armageddon, Inq 32 and other skirmish game are excellent outlets for oldhammer energy.
    Something as simple as a colourscheme can get you there, although light convresions or older models can push things further.

    Perhaps its the earnestness of the terrain too- try do something very small and in that style.


    1. I'm heeding the advice and have rummaged out my copy of Shadow War Armageddon!

  2. Have you considered making some houses? I find that the old terrain (before GW made plastic kits) really draws me into the feel of Oldhammer. I reckon you'd been good at the twiddly, wonky houses, too.

    In terms of converting, there are things I've not got the tools for, but otherwise I'll have a go at almost anything provided I've got the time and space. Often, it's a matter of starting out with one plan and ending up with a somewhat modified (but still satisfying) result!

    1. I'm actually making some old school scenics at present!

  3. I'm quite familiar with the feeling of wanting to dive into something really big, knowing that I won't be able to finish such an ambitious project. But I guess this is not as much about the destination but the journey; I mean, I have endless projects I've started and never finished, but oh, how much I do have enjoyed every minute I've invested on them. I think it's what really matters at the end of the day. 'Oh, today I painted stuff I enjoyed. It was a good day'
    The Stargrave idea is a good starting point, I'm definitely getting it when it's released. I'd love to see your take on a fistful of oldhammer minis, it would certainly be something worth seeing!!

    1. I'm looking forward to Stargrave coming out!

      I've got a few oldhammer figures kicking about and will need to have at them!

  4. A little bit of what you fancy does you good! Treat yourself to a couple of bits, but set yourself a limit of not getting anything else until those bits are painted to avoid the old ‘buy a bunch of stuff and then have attention wander’ that can sometimes happen when you have several projects on the go!

    1. I may be tempted to have a bash and pick up a couple of odds and ends!

  5. How about a few rescue pieces from eBay, I painted up an old RTB08 Predator and a Mk1b Rhino from rescue lot, they slot nicely into my existing ‘modern’ SM force.

    1. I'll need to give it a try as I do love some of the old stuff and bargains can be found!
