
Tuesday 24 November 2020

Taking a Break


I've got this week off work but most of it is going to be spent working on our flat so sadly once again hobby time is taking a bit of a back seat.

I have however, been reading a lot of really enjoyable pulp fiction in the form of Doc Savage, Bulldog Drummond and The Shadow.

Each of these characters tend to have fantastic adventures in the 1920s and 30s and make for great fun reads of the pulpiest sort with cliffhangers aplenty, vile villains and square jawed heroes and it's got me looking at some of my old rulebook collections and having a bit of a ponder.

There's something deeply satisfying about reading pulp fiction from back in the day as it may not be quality fiction but it's loads of fun, the only downside is it can be difficult to find but I've found a decent cashe on The Faded Page, a repository of old books which are free to download and I highly recommend having a peruse!

Sadly what little time I've had for painting has been an intensely frustrating experience as I cannot seem to get motivated or get any decent results from my painting which may be due to me just not being in the right mindset for it or a lack of inspiration but we shall see...

I've decided to take a bit of a break and get the festive period out of the way before having a fresh bash at things in 2021 which will hopefully prove to be a bit more inspired than 2020!

I may yet post some more odds and ends as I've got one or two ideas floating around but in the meantime, All the best!

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