
Thursday 2 July 2020

Age of Sigmar Mortal Realms Miniatures


Well I've almost finished my first week back at work following The Lockdown but I've tried to keep up the hobby related gubbins!

I've managed to get the first of the Age of Sigmar Mortal Realms magazine Sigmarites that I picked up early this year:


I'm quite pleased with how she turned out as my initial attempts had been an utter failure as I couldn't get the NMM to work out so after a bit of head scratching, I decided to go for a more traditional metallic finish.

I'm glad I did as it really worked out in the end and the combination of dark armour, brown robes and cream tabard with a few blue spot details seems to have done the trick. I plan on using her and her cohorts as the basis for a Knights of the Eternal Light warband for Leviathan and rather look forward to painting the next.

I've got another half dozen to paint and look forward to getting the next added. I actually have three duplicates who I plan on converting to 40k and they may end up as an Inquisitorial retinue by adding some sci-fi gubbins!

I do have a few niggles with the sculpts though. They are massive for a start, especially when combined with their fancy textured bases and their weapons are a bit on the mighty side too with their maces being the size of an anvil!

These are fairly minor issues though as the figure does look rather imposing and will make a great basis for a bunch of fanatical templars in search of bringing the hurt to the denizens of Aeroth!

Hopefully I'll get another finished over the course of the week and I'm tempted to add some lowly serfs and men at arms to the mix to give a somewhat more ramshackle feel to the force.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. That's really nice painting. I especially like the shading and the colours on the base. They are enormous, true: not for nothing are they known as Sigmarines!

  2. Looks fantastic. Kinda out of a cell phone game... How colours and highlights are done give me that vibes.

  3. Love it. That shield just rocks!
