
Thursday 18 June 2020

Lockdown Day 87 Tale of a Solo Gamer, 15mm Edition


So after a bit of a ponder, I've decided to keep cracking on with my sculpting projects but I've also got two different projects that I'm keen on doing some work on over the course of the next six months in a Tale of a Solo Gamer mini challenge!

In the last few years I've worked on a host of 15mm scale projects but seem to have lost a bit of steam with them of late so figure that this is a good time to get back in the saddle so to speak and ad such, I'm going to be working on the following:


Now the best thing about working on 15mm sci-fi is that it's quite possible to collect a force for under £20 for smallish skirmishing and when combined with conversions, original sculpts and repurposed toys or historical stuff, the possibilities are quite literally astonishing.

Squat Guild Transport

I am really keen to create a number of small forces for a variety of settings that can be rolled into whatever I fancy. I'll be playing around with some hard sci-fi as well as space opera and indeed grimdark.

With this in mind, I am going to set myself a monthly challenge to create a skirmish force on a different theme. I hope it will give me the motivation to clear through my unpainted 15mm lead pile and get back to 15mm. The aim will be to paint a couple of infantry squads with a vehicle or two and character to lead them.

Battleaxe Brigade Merc Troops

Having read back through my previous few posts, I've noticed that there's quite a few settings that I want to explore so I figure this will be a good way to do it. I'm also keen to push my painting and showcase just how versatile 15mm scale is.

Badmoon Ork Warband

For example, I may decide to put together a force from Warzone or Moongrunt or Vor using available 15mm scale proxies and attempting to capture the look and feel of the forces I'm trying to represent. It's going to be an interesting process as I've no idea how it's going to develop!

It's not all going to be sci-fi though, as I have a plan for some fantasy gubbins too!


I must admit that while I've done tons of sci-fi gubbins for 15mm, I've had mixed luck with fantasy and want to do something about it. I've decided to take a leaf out of the Old World Army Challenge and try to put together a 1000 point army using Warhammer 4th edition as a guide.

I'm not sure as to which army to try and put together yet as there's lots of different options to try from several companies but as with my sci-fi stuff, I am keen to showcase just what 15mm scale can do and on a small budget too!

I'm planning on trying to paint 200 points of figures each month so that six months will give me a decent sized army to work with! 

As with all my projects, I try to keep myself to a small budget and figure that my combined expenditure for the two will be £20-£25 a month but hope to see if I can spend less as it is also important to me to show just how far ones pennies can stretch with a bit of care.

Tomorrow will see my initial plan for both projects with the sci-fi theme and the fantasy army I plan on building so watch this space!

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to drop a message and I'll see how I get on and in the meantime, All the best!


  1. These frogs are amazing! Where do they come from?

    It's just an idea, but instead of solo why not set up a blog with others and invite other 15mm bloggers? There are a lot of them out there, even I wouldn't mind joining in. The major advantage is that seeing others their entries might push the rest to keep up and keep on painting.

    1. Hi!

      They're from East Riding Miniatures. Sadly their online shop is currently closed but fingers crossed, they'll be back soon.

      I did convert them slightly but the 15mm frog range they produce is rather good!

      I'll have a think about the group project and see what I can come up with. If there's enough interest, I'll create a group blog!
