
Tuesday 16 June 2020

Lockdown Day 85: Existing Project Ponderment


Gosh! 85 days of lockdown and my 100th post of 2020. I've written, sculpted and painted more stuff in the first six months of the year than I had in the previous two combined and rapidly approaching more posts than the whole of 2017, 2018 and 2019!

Over the last few days I've posted a lot of my thoughts on the projects I find myself interested in working on in the future but I thought I'd spend today looking at the progress I've made on existing projects and what I'd like to do to flesh them out or, dare I say it complete them!

Somewhere on the Border

I can't believe it's been over a year since I worked on any of my SD scaled stuff so will need to do something about that as I've got loads of ideas for it and have just been distracted with other stuff.

There's an entire world to explore along with it's weird and wonderful denizens and settings so I think that one of the first things I want to do is get SOMEWHERE ON THE BORDER up and running again with some background writing and accompanying illustrations followed by the odd sculpt to get me going again.

The exploits of The Boar Company need to be completed, especially as they've still not tracked down Marik Goldhelm, the rogue sorcerer who has been there nemesis for almost a decade now.

War of Ashes

War of Ashes has been a fun little project to work on and I'm edging towards having two full warbands that will complete the project. I've only got about a dozen figures to paint or sculpt to finish off my True Atronians and Kuld so it might be a plan to work on them first as it's a bit of an easy win to complete...

Once I have them all done, I am keen to try out War of Ashes Shieldbash as it's a great looking game and should be fun to play and has some really characterful concepts that at least on paper, seem to have the possibility of making a really fascinating campaign.

Rusty Robots

Now I must admit I had a bit of a block with Rusty Robots as I'll sculpt a bunch of stuff for it and then go off making any more for ages but this time has been a bit of an exception as I've got a decent sized party of Reds, Blacks and Blues so even if I can get the remaining tribes basic robots sculpted, I can space out the painting of them over the course of the year which will hopefully stop me from taking another two years to do anything with them,

Looking at what I've sculpted for them at present, I think I need to rework the Blue's leader as I just don't like how he turned out but that's a post for another day. I've got the designs and I just need to write up all the background which I've discovered is in my locker at work and been unavailable to work on during the Lockdown!

Land Ironclads

Land Ironclads has been bubbling along quite nicely over the last six months and I have two decent sized landfleets but they need to be completed and have their air assets, infantry,  cavalry, contraptions and scenery done. Handily as the scale is so tiny, it's not too difficult to complete a model in a short period of time and sculpting my own stuff for them is rather fun.

I plan on getting another fleet, the Orcs (or Gorathians) finished as while they've been the first that I started, I've not worked on them in ages, instead going for the Dwarves and Vongola City State so it would be nice to get the savage majesty of the Horde completed. I also want to take a look at the thrice cursed Elves of their own city states as they combine high tech, magic and dragons!


Battletech has been a bit of a note of interest with my on and off over the last twenty plus years but it's only been this year during lockdown that I decided to give it a try, based largely on listening to Death From Above Wargaming's channel on Youtube. I've decided to keep Battletech as my super cheap project, using paper counters, map sheets and papercraft terrain and it seems to be shaping up nicely.

I'm still getting to grips with the rules but it's quite fun to play and I plan to keep plugging away at it and see where it takes me!


Flintloque came as a bit of a surprise this year for me as it marks the first boxed game that I've ever managed to paint everything from. I'm rather keen to flesh out my two forces and possibly play a bit of a campaign at some point.

At present, I feel that Flintloque is pretty far down the pecking order of project priority as I have lots of other stuff that I'm working on an enjoying but we shall see how things go...

15mm Rogue Trader

I've not done much 15mm work this year and feel it's high time for me to get some more stuff done as I've got the models and really should get some more of them painted up but at present can't seem to summon up much enthusiasm for it. Maybe I just need to rummage out a random figure and slap some paint on it and see how I get on. One element I am keen to re-explore is my Stainless Steel Rat stuff as it was a really fun project back in the day and revamping it would be great!

6mm Skirmish

I've slowly been adding some Orks to my collection but have had a bit of a struggle with them but I'm hoping having taken a couple of days off will give me a fresh eye to the project. I do enjoy playing super small skirmishes with only about half a dozen stands per side so it's good to keep working at it from time to time.

Whee! That pretty much covers the larger projects I've been working on over the last while. I've got lots of thinking to do about how I want to try and motivate myself without getting stressed about the whole business.

While these are the main projects that I've got in assorted stages of completion, I've got a couple of other odds and ends that I want to work on to give me some extra impetus and I really want to play some more games with the assorted stuff that I've painted as I think that's one of the things that will really get me motivated to keep painting and sculpting.

Tomorrow I hope to post the conclusion to my ponderings and a bit of an outline on what I am going to do to challenge myself over the next six months to keep up the hobbying so in the meantime, All the best and as always thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I hate you so much. The reason why is how much I love these SD.

    Worry not, your R Robots have been on the freezer for long long time. Now you had such streak is understandable that you are in cooldown again.
