
Friday 12 June 2020

Lockdown Day 81: Fantasy Ponderment


As I mentioned in my last post, I have had a bit of a wobble with my hobbying and have decided that I needed to take a bit of a break from the unrelenting posting of new stuff every day and instead want to spend a bit of time pondering on how to get the mojo going again.

To get the ball rolling, I want to look at what, in an ideal world I'd like to pursue as a bit of a project. Some of these will be sheer madness to try but I do like a bit of wishlisting as it may give me some inspiration that might even get me going again!

First and foremost, I've found myself fascinated by the Oldhammer movement that has grown so spectacularly over the last four or five years. There's something really fascinating about seeing miniatures I remember from my youth painted to a modern standard and love to see folks brilliant armies. A good example of this is the Oldhammer Army Challenge, where a disparate group of gamers spend six months painting up some really original armies.

Back in the early 2000's I actually had a mighty Dwarf army that I spent quite a bit of time painting but they got sold off when I went off to uni in 2008 and since then I've struggled to get the impetus to manage anything similar.

There is the occasional urge to try out something similar using a mixture of more modern figures but I just never seem to summon up the energy to make a go of it. I think part of the issue is that I am so used to painting skirmish forces that painting whole regiments just leaves me cold.

With that being said, I have also pondered doing a 15mm scale version as it's relatively cheap and cheerful option that combines the detail of the larger scale and affordability (especially as so many of the old Warhammer figures are becoming ruinously expensive second hand). There is also the space factor in that I only have a 3'x3' board so playing the likes of Warhammer in 28mm is a bit of a stretch.

I've also had quite a bit of success with 6mm as the scale is really easy to paint and it's quite possible to put together a decent sized army in next to no time at all and for very little outlay. Again, the issue here is that while the visual spectacle of lots of teeny tiny figures is quite good, the lack of individual detail isn't as pleasing.

I'll really need to finish painting the little guys at some point but onto the next ponderment, some of the other older or niche games that I'd really love to paint an army for:

First and foremost, I'd love to get back into Chronopia as it's got such a great combination of artwork, background and miniatures that was fantastic back in the day when it was released. The downside is that the figures are almost impossible to get hold of as many of them suffered from leadrot and proxying is a bit of a challenge too.

There's also Crucible, another great game with an interesting setting and unique factions but never got the interest it deserved. Whilst technically still in print, only the first two supplements got released and many of the miniatures never got a release.

Leviathan is another game that I've obsessed about for ages and even made several attempts to collect a warband and breath fresh life into but it always stalls, partially because my own take on the game is different from the official one.

Instead I spent quite a bit of time sculpting my own, stylised figures that gave me great satisfaction and over the years the small warbands have expanded and campaigns have been played but I've not done anything with them in over a year now.

I'm both keen to give myself a challenge and I'm just not sure what to do about it, as I've already mentioned, it's not like I don't have lots of stuff I'd like to do but I just don't seem to be able to settle on anything. It's quite frustrating as I do want to put together some fantasy gaming but I just don't have any success with it!


I've tried out War of Ashes and really like the progress I've made and maybe a combination of continuing with my own sculpts for it and my Somewhere on the Border project is the way to go but there is still the siren call of fantasy games of a more traditional style. 

I've actually been pondering trying out some Mordheim as I do like a bit of a skirmish campaign so maybe this will be a good option as it would allow me to scratch the 28mm scale Old/Middlehammer fantasy itch whilst not spending an age trying to paint whole armies which I know I'll never do.

I think I'll need to have a bit of a think about what my options are over the next few days while I continue my ponderings. I also think I need to have a clearout of the stuff I'm not going to use as it's causing me stress so combined with all this, I think I'm going to post some gubbins on ebay to see if I can't both clear out some space and give me some pennies to spend on a new project...

In the meantime, All the best and thanks for persevering with my rambling post!


  1. Two crucible supplements you say? I just have the human one, they were elemental casters serving mankind's queen or so...

    Wich was the other faction supplement? I imagine it's that African looking orcs as the battle report showed them, but who knows.

    1. Indeed!

      The Orcs faction book was released and added two new forces to play including an Aztec themed one which was quite interesting. Sadly the miniatures for Crucible varied from really good to really odd and I dislike only having two sculpts for infantry units as it looks a bit samey!

  2. I'm a bit like you with this: I have a lot of nostalgia for the old models and the style of Oldhammer, but a lot of the rules were weak and painting regiments was really tedious. For me, Frostgrave warbands - which are really all character models - work well, although the rules of Frostgrave aren't perfect.

    I also have a lot of nostalgia for the look of Oldhammer, especially the terrain: the Brothers Grimm meets Gormenghast feel of it all. If you are playing solo, you could do worse than look at Frostgrave and its supplement, Perilous Dark. I got some decent games out of them. I've heard good things about Rangers of Shadow Deep, a solo game by the same guy, but I've never seen a reasonably-priced paper copy for sale.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion!

      I've watched some youtube battle reports of Frostgrave and it does look pretty good. I have the first edition of it at present and may well pick up the second one when it's released late this year!

      I think it's more the visual style that I have such a soft spot for rather than the games themselves. As much as I loved 2nd edition 40k for example, it was a bit clunky and overpowered!

  3. I'm playing "big battle" fantasy games in 15mm using The Portable Wargame in less than 3'x3' and really enjoying it. I've got loads of Citadel era WFB minis but it takes so long to assemble and paint an army, never mind setting up and packing up after a game. There's loads of wonderful 15mm fantasy out there (including the Ral Partha you included above). Give it a go...

    1. I'm going to have a peruse of Ral Partha next time they have one of their regular offers on as I'm interested in one or two bits and bobs from them and will see how I get on!

  4. I actually like the Warmaster rules a lot better than the old Warhammer ones. Middle Earth is another great scalable game with a lot of potential.
    Didn't you pick up some of these cheap GW AoS forces a short while ago? I know they're not Oldhammer but they might be suitable to get some semi-skirmish games in and I think they will paint up really quick. Your own boar company is probably easily converted into a Mordheim warband as well.

    In my opinion, your own sculpted miniatures are often superior (I guess they're more in a style that I like) to the models already on the market and I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of these.

    1. Warmaster is a really solid ruleset!

      The Age of Sigmar gubbins are a bit meh if I'm honest. The humans are just too huge for my liking but I'll have a bash at painting them up anyway, if for no other reason to give myself a challenge!

  5. Have you looked at Oathmark?. It's a simple 'ranky-flanky' system that looks like it would be pretty good from what I've read so far. The campaign system centers around building kingdoms made of separate territories that also dictate troop types that will be available to you. I'm thinking about doing some small armies in 15mm or 20mm plastics to give it a go.

    1. I actually preordered it at work but then the lockdown happened.

      I must admit that the sample battle reports Osprey posted didn't really appeal but I'm interested in seeing what folks think of it.
