
Sunday 7 June 2020

Lockdown Day 76


Just a quick post this evening as is often the case, I've got lots of bits and bobs on the go but not much finished.

First up, I've got the first four bases of my Ork warband done:

Goff Boyz

Although clad in proper Goff Black, I feel they are possibly a bit dull so may reclassify this four bases as Skarboyz, the ded 'ard veterans of many a battle and I think I'll be adding a wee bit of red to the normal boyz as in this scale, a bit of brightness, especially 2nd edition 40k inspired is almost a requirement.

Almost as an afterthought, I added a little clan logo to the front of each base which I quite like! If they do become Skarboyz, I'll need to rework the glyph to represent their elite status but it will do for the time being. 

Hopefully a bit of tweaking tomorrow will see them looking more as I wanted them to!

Secondly, I've quickly thrown together a logo for my Battletech pirate force, Red's Marauders:

It's a bit simple and rather Orky but thats ok with me. I'm currently putting together a separate Battletech campaign blog so I can ramble on about my chosen forces, the setting and whatnot without clogging up this blog which is already sitting at over 900 posts!

While it's convenient for me to just post everything here, I suspect that my Battletech blog will be more of a stream of consciousness come RPG lite sort of affair with the possibility of several posts a day with whatever comes into my head and if it works out, I may do something similar for one or two other ideas I've had.

It may not work out as planned but we shall see how things go.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. Love the goff symbol on the bases and have to say, lip bases made those epic figs be really epic.

    It improves so much the final result (much like vehicles having bases opposed to classic epic stuff)

    1. The lipped bases are great!

      While it makes playing games of Epic a bit more of a challenge as they take up more space than the older style bases, I tend to play smaller skirmishes in 6mm so the base size isn't really a problem!

  2. That Battletech blog sounds interesting, can't wait to see it!

    1. Thanks!

      I've actually got it started and have a few initial ramblings on it and will share it once I've got it fully up and running!
