
Friday 22 May 2020

Lockdown Day 60


Well here we are, two months into the Lockdown!

As promised, I managed to get some pics of my newest additions to my Lockdown project painting log:

Wilson's Hussars Battlemechs

I've managed to finally finish painting up my Mech lance for Battletech in the form of Wilson's Hussars Recon Lance (right to left, Wasp, Ostroc, Locust, Stinger). I must admit that I'm a bit conflicted about them as on the one hand, I enjoyed making them and painting the little chaps but on the other, I really want to go for a more hard sci-fi style with the original miniatures for gaming.

Alas to do so is a rather expensive process of either buying the figures which has got surprisingly expensive these days or investing in a 3d printer as there are some amazing fan sculpts out there which put the official (and rather clunky) figures to shame. Either option is currently out of my price range so I'll be sticking with my own gubbins for the time being.

I've also managed to paint up my second Hunter light tank and rework the other a smidge to improve the paintwork a little bit:

 Hunter Tanks 

I've got another tank built but needing detailing which I'll try to finish tomorrow and a small hover scout that I've just started too.

I'm also currently working on an opposing lance of pirates which should be seeing them ready to be photographed in a couple of days time...

I've also managed to play the third game in my Battletech Alphastrike campaign and it was a rather quick but bloody game which I'll post up tomorrow.

As with my usual method of flitting from one project to another, I am thinking of rummaging out my 15mm scale stuff as I've not done much for them in some time and am sorely tempted to put together a mini campaign for them next involving shenanigans set on the Periphery of the Battletech universe but not having any mechs and basing it around some covert goings on but we shall have to see how I get on.

I also need to finish painting my True Atronians and Kuld for my War of Ashes project, paint some more Rusty Robots and get on with my World of Twilight project that has kind of gone nowhere, not to mention my Leviathan stuff, assorted 6mm odds and ends and my Land Ironclads stuff...

So much to do!

I think I may take a day off from all the updates soon as well as I'm starting to get bit worn down with all the posts but I'll see how I feel in the next day or so and will see how I feel in the next few days.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. I do love how do they look (as usual!) A nice, detailed work that looks gorgeous!

    1. Thanks!

      I'm still having a bit of a wobble about how they've turned out but I'm glad to hear folks like them!

  2. Hard sci-fi you say? Depending on how you look at those, they might pass for non Chibi 70s sci-fi stuff out of a book cover.

    Look again at the locust, funky war or the worlds stuff. It prays for a pin-up girl with a rocket pack and fish tank "bubble" helmet, antenna on it included.

    I know what you meant with the hard-fi thing but IMHO it's matter of you being too close to the tree to see the forest.

    Seriously, I'm convinced that just freehanding tons of fake panel lines would make them look more HCF yet it may screw things up and it's way too much work to take the risk.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions!

      I've been working on a tank this morning and spent a little extra time on it adding a few extra details and it seems to have turned out much closer to what I wanted it to.

      I think I'm stressing needlessly as I'm not sure they look enough like giant stompy robots for my liking. I'm going to try making a few infantry today to see how they look compared to them which will give me a better reference.

      I'm sorely tempted to add some panel lines on the Mechs to see if that works as well so we shall see how I get on!

    2. Pretty much that: infantry will give you sense of scale.

      Give them red pajamas for an extra hard-fi punch :D

  3. A certain well known droid got some family :D. Great work, love the way they look.

    1. Thanks!

      I've knuckled down and got a few more odds and ends finished for the project now!

  4. A fantastic project. Wished I had your talents in sculpting and scratch building!

    1. Thanks!

      Its surprisingly satisfying and not difficult to do once you've got going!
