
Wednesday 6 May 2020

Lockdown Day 44


I've sent quite a bit of time building scenics today for my Rusty Robots project!

I've got a couple of buildings done already so I figured it was time to take a look at some other sorts of terrain, specifically some hilly ground to make the battlefield more visually appealing.

Initially, the action will be taking place in the Arid Rustlands and Red Mesa region so I'm looking to putting together some desert themed terrain but of a decidedly Rusty Robots variety!

After rummaging around for a while, I discovered I had a pack of foam activity tiles and decided to see if I could turn them into some compacted scrap piles which will double as hills.

Rusty Pile of Junk

I'm quite pleased with the results as the superglue I used didn't melt them but created a solid bond and then a coating of das clay and polyfilla gave a hard surface.

I then gave the whole thing a quick coat of paint to give the next step something to bind to. I then added lots of pieces of cardboard to give the effect of metal plating and then another coat of paint to prime it followed by lots of brown washes, drybrushing and little bits of detail.

As a test piece, I rather like the result and have got another couple of hills under construction at the moment. When combined with the other terrain gubbins I have at present, it gives a decent skirmish type battlefield effect covering about a square foot of board so I'll need to make a bunch more to kit out my 3'x3' board!


I also need to get on with painting my Black Tribe marauders and have managed to prime them this morning before getting distracted by terrain so we shall see how things go in the next few days as I crack on with my assorted bits and bobs.

Red Tribe Forge

In other news, I've been thinking of having a bit of a blog post about what has inspired me to get so much stuff done over the last forty odd days or so and what I see myself working on over the foreseeable future as I've really rediscovered my love of sculpting and want to keep up the good work so to speak!

Arid Rustlands Scrap Hoodoo

I'll try and post my initial thoughts tomorrow so watch this space and in the meantime, All the best!


  1. Your productivity during lockdown has been envious! I’m loving the ‘hills’ too!

  2. I fell in love with that art!! Looking forward to the scenery then!

  3. Excellent art work and terrain.

  4. "I've been thinking of having a bit of a blog post about what has inspired me to get so much stuff done over the last forty odd days"

    Yes, please.

    Glad you dig the sculpting, I can't see myself buying miniatures anymore (excluding Kickstarter add-ons for boardgames). Been like that for the past 20 years.

    The art is super, the sepia belongs to a rulebook. Nice fractured piece of artwork.

    BTW can't find the words for my thoughts about the terrain. I really like it, it's kinda like you slapped 'comic book' texture on something three dimensional as it was a cartoony videogame.

    Reminds me of those printable scenery, and TBH the style fits perfectly your robots.

    Love the fact art, minis and terrain go the same art direction. People usually skips this, i.e. Chibi minis that throw Warhammer-like terrain.

    Really looking forward your unspeakable secrets on the hobby frenzy ;)

  5. Forgot to mention I like the red tribe forge better now in sepia Thant the 2012 b/w sketch.

  6. Man, you're drawings are awesome.
    That new piece of terrain is great too of course, but it's your artwork that keeps on drawing my attention.
