
Friday 1 May 2020

Lockdown Day 39


Just a quick update this evening as I've spent most of the day sculpting so not many painted miniatures to be seen but here's the latest additions to my assorted projects:

First up, here's another of my Red Tribe robots:

Scrapbot U-23

I've only got one more to paint of these little chaps before I move onto the Black Tribe which I've got almost ready for a lick of paint!

Next up, here's the first test piece for my Kuld warband for War of Ashes:


He's a tiny little chap but was lots of fun to sculpt and paint and I've now got another stack of them finished so I'll be adding a full warband of tiny voracious eating machines to my collection soon!

I'm also going to be putting together a bit of a review of my World of Twilight purchase so watch this space.

All the best!


  1. Awesome effect on the metal plating, not sure if it's just grey or NMM. Anyhow, looks cartoonist and fitting the theme.

    So, the kuld is also sculpted by you ? So cute! ÓwÒ

    It's mental how you manage to get stuff done on daily basis. I mean, ity sculpting, painting, photography and writing. *Angry noises*

    Your secret is well worth a post on its own, be it motivation, painting hormones (paints-eroids?) you taking...

    I wish I could get so many sh*t done so often. Man and it even looks good.

    Count me in the hate bandwagon from now on...

    1. Thanks for the comments!

      I'll try and post some ramblings about how I've managed to get so much stuff done over the last month or so!

      The Kuld is indeed sculpted by myself as I'm skint so can't afford to buy any miniatures for the foreseeable future and to be honest I far prefer painting my own sculpts as it is!

  2. You're doing great work here! They're both very characterful models.

    1. Thanks!

      It's been really fun to work on some sculpting over the last week or so!

  3. They're both outstanding models, colourwise the Kuld's my favourite though. Fabulous work!
