
Sunday 19 April 2020

Lockdown Day 27


Here's some pics of the assorted gubbins I've been working on over the last day or two!

First up, here's some small terrain pieces for my War of Ashes project:

 Stone Pillars

Quick and easy to make, they are simply old corks with some cardboard slabs, paper vegetation and some beads for pots. Handily they will also do for my Somewhere on the Border or dare I say World of Twilight!

I plan on making a lot more small pieces of scenery as they are rather fun to work on and take next to no time to put together!

Next up, I've been working on a bunch of denizens of the Witchlands for my Deadloque project:


It's an old GW plastic wolf and it suits the Flintloque sort of style and I have another four or five lying around which will give me some fun non undead beasties for my Ferach to be menaced by.

Next up, here's a really cross Flesh Golem:

Flesh Golem

This chap is actually an old paint job that I've tweaked a bit to fit in with the Flintloque universe. He's from 4A Figures (which is an absolutely lovely and eclectic range!) and will be making the odd cameo in the Witchlands.

Next up, there's Yevgeni the Wraith:

 Yevgeni is crotchety at the best of times

I painted him last year and he's originally from the Darkworld board game but with a new face. Game wise, I think I'll have him turn up from time to time to chase pesky kids off his land. I just need to build a barrow for him to lurk in!

Finally, there's a large bat:


He's from Warhammer Quest and I thought that as the Witchlands is full of vampires, they would need some sort of message service so this little guy will be an objective in the game carrying messages and battleplans for the forces of the Star Wraith!

Hopefully I'll have get some more gubbins up tomorrow including more scenic madness!

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. These older GW models mix in well, especially the wolf.

    Brilliant idea using corks as pillars. They really look the part and it's a very cheap, creative way to make pillars.

    1. Thanks!

      The cork pillars are so easy and quick to make but look decent with a coat of paint! I'm thinking of making a ruined temple or shrine at some point using the same materials!

  2. The pottery (beads) looks ace.

    1. Thanks!

      I totally stole the idea from someone else but can't remember who! I've had those beads for about 5-6 years now and it was high time I actually did something with them!

  3. I recognised that Wraith immediately, with giant hands, even if I did sell that game many years ago.

    1. He's an oddly proportioned sort of a chap but fits in with Flintloque quite well with his truckasaurus hands!
