
Thursday 26 March 2020

Lockdown Day 3


I've managed to get another addition to my 6mm Goblin army in the shape of two regiments of archers:

 Gobbo Archers

I'm quite pleased with the tiny little guys. They are originally Irregular Miniatures lesser Goblins and are really tiny but absolutely ooze character and feature diminutive Goblins armed with short bows and shields. The figures sport a selection of robes, hoods and sport some fancy standards.

I've still got another base for each regiment to make two big regiments of 30 Grots but may eventually build them up to hordes of 60 as what they lack in quality, they make up with in quantity.

Rule wise, I'm not sure what I'm going to use as I may tweak my Song of Blasters rules or play some Dragon Rampant or even simplified Warhammer Fantasy or even Warmaster but we shall have to wait till I've got an opposing force to play against the Goblins.

I do have a load of Irregulars Wood Elves which may do the job so that may be my next 6mm fantasy project once I've got the last of my Goblins finished which is looking like it's going to be done by the weekend!

The only thing that I really need to add to the army is a couple of big blocks of warriors and I'm thinking of adding some teeny fanatics to each regiment. I've also got a base of Ogres to paint as I want to add some heavy hitters to the tiny force.

The Horde so far

I'm going to work on getting the characters done soon and will be adding large banners in the style of my Epic command stands which should give them a readily identifiable look on the table.

I really need to work on some more 6mm fantasy scenics as at present I've only got the few bases of trees at the moment and want to add some hills, rivers, roads and settlements for my tiny forces to fight over and I'm humming and hahing over how to go about doing it.

It's interesting that with all this time dedicated to hobbying, I find myself being drawn to some middlehammer gubbins. I started gaming back in the early 90's and the release of Warhammer Fantasy Battle 4th edition was always fascinating. 

I spent most of my time playing 40k or Epic as I couldn't get any opponent interested in fantasy but seeing some of the stirling work that the Oldhammer community has done over the last few years has got me seriously thinking about having a bash at painting up a regiment and seeing how I get on.

I'm going to resist temptation for the time being though as I have enough stuff to keep me entertained for some time to come without starting a new and frankly massive project, especially as I just don't have the space for such a mammoth undertaking!

We shall have to see how I get on over the coming week and I've got some more stuff to post up on over the next few days and will be cracking on with painting some more gubbins today so I have plenty of stuff to entertain me.

More updates to follow but in the meantime, All the best!


  1. Your force is gathering in numbers at a rapid pace. Sounds like you're having a great time isolating yourself 😁.
    Stellar work on these tiny rascals.
    The banners sound like a great idea and will give them some more identity.

    1. Thanks for the comments!

      To be honest I'm finding the lockdown both inspiring and incredibly frustrating as I'd rather be able to go outside or dare I say it, working at my beloved Waterstones but needs must and I am getting a lot of painting done.

      My next objective really should involve playing a game or two...

  2. Oh, man, tiny and equally beautiful. I love them!
