
Tuesday 24 March 2020

Lockdown Day 1


Well it looks like the next 21 days are going to involve a UK wide lockdown with me stuck at home as the shop is temporarily closed so instead of moping, I am hoping to use the opportunity to both get the flat in order but to spend some much needed stress relief of hobbytime!

To get the ball rolling, here's the latest additions to my Goblin army in 6mm:

Goblin Boar Carts

Originally from Irregulars Lesser Goblin range, these tiny transports are rather fun to paint and once the initial drybrush is on, the details literally pop. There's a ton of tiny Goblins in the cart waving weapons and in one case a chap looking like he's preparing to leap out of the cart to attack an unsuspecting target.

Game wise, I must admit I'm not sure how to use them but I'm sure I'll come up with something, especially as I have another three of them primed and ready to go.

I am finding painting these tiny chaps quite refreshing and shockingly it looks like if I keep this up, I may actually finish all the figures I have and have a decent little army to play around with too!

Goblin Cavalry Thus Far

I've thus far stuck to working on cavalry but have primed and drybrushed a couple of archer regiments so look forward to adding them to my slowly expanding horde.

In other news, I've finished a new Ironclad for my Vongola City State force:

 The Lancia heavy ironclad

It's another of Brigade Models British Ironclads repurposed to my villainous Vongola landfleet.This is a class 3 Ironclad and armed with a pair of heavy turrets which makes it a bit more flexible than the heavier Capo di Capo due to having a better arc of fire than the fixed broadsides and single turret of the larger vehicle.

Capo di Capo and Lancia Ironclads on maneuver.

While it's all a bit small scale gaming that I've got finished thus far, I am working on finishing an Ork Nob in 28mm and a Chaos chappie who has been on my painting desk for quite some time now. My plan is to post up something every day, be it painted miniatures or battle reports and I have a fairly major Epic project that will be kicking off when I get a restock of bases which will see additions to pretty much all my existing forces and the beginning of several new ones too so watch this space!

In the meantime, stay safe and all the best!


  1. Glad to hear you are able to make the best out of it.
    Here in Australia we aren't in isolation yet, but I'm already planning things I want to do, should we have to go in isolation ourselves.
    Great stuff, really like the ironclads.

  2. Thanks for the comments folks!

    I've had a very productive day or two with lots of bits and bobs finished and some stuff that I've had for quite a while now and I've been mixing and matching between scale, genre and style quite a bit which has been rather refreshing.

    I'll get my next post up later today so watch this space!

  3. Good stuff. I really like those trees, by the way. They've got a slightly surreal quality that really suits some of your models.
