
Friday 3 January 2020

2019 Reviewed


It's 2020, a new year and a new decade so I thought I'd take a peek back at what I got done during 2019:

First up, I managed to paint 108 things ranging from 2mm up to 28mm in scale.

The Tally

5x 2mm Orc Wartowers
6x 2mm Infantry Companies
9x 28mm Deadloque Undead
3x Flintloque Objective Markers
1x 28mm Undead
1x SD Scale Minion
4x 15mm Dwarves
3x 2mm Dwarf Ironclads
4x 6mm Ultramarine Stands
2x 6mm Goff Ork Stands
6x Rocky Terrain
2x 6mm Eldar Stands
22x 15mm Cowboys
6x 15mm Daleks
7x 15mm Salvage Crew
2x 15mm Boglins
3x 15mm WW2 American Infantry
6x 15mm Steampunk Armoured Suits
1x 28mm Resin Scenic Item
1x SD Scale Battlemech
1x 6mm Goblin Stand
1x 15mm Gargoyle
1x 15mm Man at Arms
1x Teeny Biplane

 Leviathan 2mm Orcs

28mm Flintloque Undead

 15mm Cowboys 

15mm Ironclad Infantry

15mm Homicidal Pepperpots

Oddly I seem to have painted up several decent little warbands in 15mm and 28mm and even fleshed out some smaller scale gubbins too!

On the wargaming front, I managed to play 14 games using 5 different rule systems which is better than the previous year's tally but I really want to expand the odd skirmish into a campaign or two!

 Epic Eldar vs Ultramarines

Boar Company vs Marik Goldhelm's Renegades

Looking forward, I've been planning to work my way through my leadpile, which was depleted somewhat last year, balanced out by picking up a few odds and ends but have a hankering to flesh out the projects I have started and maybe try one or two new ones that have been bubbling under over the last couple of years.

Whilst most of these will be towards the smaller end of the scale, I do have a hankering towards some long term temptations and one or two newer ones.

Oh Which to Choose!

These are the systems that have been interesting me over the last few years that have got me wondering about turning 2020 into an opportunity to put together a warband for at least one or two of them. Now at this point, I'm not sure what scale said force will be as it is entirely conceivable they could be anywhere between 2mm and 28mm.

Over the years I've picked up tons of rulesets and I think 2020 would be a nice opportunity to look back over the last 25 or so years of my hobby obsession!

Looking at the list, some of the options will be easier to put together than others. Whilst some of the miniatures are readily available or at least easily proxied, others such as Chronopia will be a bit more of a challenge to get hold of but we shall see what I can do...

In the meantime, all the best and hope you all have a fab 2020!


  1. Oh, many rulesets in there that I like. I'd love to see you do a 15mm Mordheim warband. It could be very interesting to do some of these in the smaller scales though.
    You probably already have enough models for many of the systems here but the one I seem to be missing is Epic 40k.

    You did quite well on the hobbyfront in my opinion. Way better than me in any case.
    Can't wait to see what you're coming up with next.
    Happy New Year, best wishes for 2020!

    1. Epic 40k has been added alongside one or two others I've been eying up!

      I started the year rather well but kind of petered out during the last few months. Hopefully I'll be able to keep the momentum going in 2020!

      Mordheim has been on my to do list for a while and I'm a bit tempted to sculpt the warbands from scratch!

    2. Looking forward to that! Are you going to use the same style as your Boar company? It would be great if the warbands for Mordheim could be used in both games.

  2. Oh man did I miss a battle report of the Boar Company or did you not post it? Would love to see more of those in 2020. Happy New Year and really excited to see what direction you take. 👍

    1. Sadly I didn't get the battle report posted as I didn't get any pictures!

      Hopefully I'll add to their number in the year and get another few small skirmishes done!

    2. Would really enjoy that! No pressure tho. I just enjoy those reports.

    3. Out of the rule books choice. I really liked the one you did using Rogue Trader stats.

    4. I'd forgotten about that one! I really need to have a go at another soon!

  3. Wow that's a fair amount done!. I'm looking forward to seeing how you tackle the rules conundrum, I often find myself in the same situation. I think the trick is choosing minis that you like enough to finish and bending the rules to fit, I reckon there is a fair amount of potential the rules you have shown for some creative force building.

    1. I think I can multi use the figures for several different projects at once to be honest but there's also the option of going for 15mm and proxying stuff which is a good, cheap route to take!

      All the best!
