
Monday 17 December 2018

Looking Forward


It's hard to believe that there's only two weeks left of 2018 but with the festive period upon us and a combination of work mentalness and family visiting, I doubt I'll be able to get much done hobbywise before the end of the year.

I have, however, taken a few minutes to think about what I want to do in the coming year and have got a bit of a plan...

Lookin' Forward Ladz!

2018 has been an interesting year for me in the hobby as I've tried for the last time to get back into 28mm gaming and failed utterly. I had a painting slump early on in the year and it's only really been the last few months that I've really got into the swing of things and it's all thanks to smaller scale gaming!

I've really engaged with 15mm and 6mm over the latter part of the year and painted some gubbins and more importantly played and enjoyed some games (12 no less, which is more than I've played in the previous three years combined!).

Gaming table at last!

Admittedly having finally got my gaming table put back together after moving house a year ago has helped greatly but I want to try and keep my motivation going and have decided to set myself a bit of a challenge for 2019!

First up, I want to put together and paint my 2nd edition 40k in 15mm project which is something I've been pondering for a while. The number of figures required isn't too much and I think with a bit of luck I can actually complete it!

80 miniatures and 20 pieces of scenery. How hard can it be! But seriously, I'm challenging myself to paint up 1 squad or vehicle a month in 15mm or a minimum of 10 bases of Epic scale gubbins for the year and I'm also aiming to play an average of one game a week using whatever system catches my fancy. It sounds like a big ask but I did manage to play half a dozen games over the course of a couple of weeks recently so over the year, I should be able to manage and as for the painting, I'm keen to give it a go!

Now the first thing that will need doing is the 2nd edition 40k stuff and I already have all the marines I need for that project but still need to grab enough Orks and Grots to give me the Greenskinned force which I will be trying to source in the new year.

Following that, I plan on sorting through my lead and plastic pile and painting whatever catches my eye in an attempt to deplete the stack of gubbins that I've had for ages!

We shall see what the new year brings but I am rather looking forward to getting stuck in with some small scale shenanigans but in the meantime, All the best!

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