
Monday 13 August 2018

O.G.R.E. Warzone


I'm not going to be talking about mythological humanoids or cybertanks from the far future this morning but my new project, O.G.R.E or Old Game Retried Experiments (a handy acronym if I do say so!).

I've settled on Warzone 1st edition as my first experiment as I have the physical rulebooks purchased back in the mid 90's from both Mac's Models and Ral Partha. It was also the first game I moved onto after leaving the GW hobby so I have a real soft spot for the game and its setting.

Having settled on what ruleset I wanted to have a try at, I had a bit of a rummage through my leadpile to see what I had lying around that could be drafted into use.

Handily I had picked up a couple of packs of Ground Zero Games Neu Swabian League Jaegers during a recent sale and I thought they would make decent Bauhaus troops with some suitable conversion.

GZG NSL Jaegers

Half an hour of puttying later, saw some armour added on as nothing says Warzone like mighty shoulder pads! I then spent the next couple of days painting them up in suitably Bauhaus colours:

 Hussars on maneuver 

I think they look rather good and make ideal proxies for Bauhaus Hussars for Warzone! I must admit that I really hate batch painting but wanted to get the full squad finished and am rather pleased with getting them all done.

I still need to paint up a second squad and a character and I'll have a playable force for Warzone 1st edition. My next step will be to build a Dark Legion force to fight against!

1st Squad complete!

I suspect it's going to be an entertaining few weeks as I rummage out some suitable miniatures to flesh out the two forces and I'm also making some more jungle themed terrain to represent the steaming jungles of Venus (or Farpoint for further gaming!). Hopefully I will get some more updates in the next week or two but will also add the odd figure or two that I've been painting to keep myself from getting bored!

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. A nice paint job on the Jaegers, GZG stuff always turn out well. I have to admit that Warzone is one game I never tried out so I'll be living it out through your pressure lol. Looking forward to it!

  2. Warzone 1st edition is my absolute favorite sci fi skirmish game.
