
Saturday 7 July 2018

Kill Team


I've been perusing with interest the preview of the new edition of Kill Team by GW and it's looking rather interesting!

Reading through the assorted previews and so on online, it looks like it might be just the cup of tea for me.  It requires small forces (5-10 figures) on a small table (about 2'x3') and features scenario driven games and campaigns that should see a warband develop and is perfect for heavily converting figures.

While I have no way of ever putting together a full army for 40k, I do like the idea of playing something a bit smaller and more rpg-lite so will be keeping an eye out for developments of the game in the coming months. It would be interesting to play out the secret wars of the Inquisition or Imperial agents facing rebel groups or sinister alien cults!

It will be interesting to see what the rules play like and what is possible. I was rather enamoured with Shadow War Armageddon but found it to be a bit limited as I really wanted some Space Marines rather than just scouts and the campaign system was a little limited.

We shall see how things develop in the coming weeks before I make any decision on whether I want to pick it up or not...


  1. I too have been watching this with some interest. I like small scale Warband games and this seems ideal. Also I really want to see a Genestealer cult grow to dominance... it’s still one of my iconic images of 40k from the rogue Trader era

    1. Fingers crossed!

      It would be a great opportunity to collect some old school goodies and putting together a small warband without having to put together a full army!

  2. Me too. I'm a bit disappointed that the Sisters of Battle aren't in there (although the models aren't at all easy to customise) but this could be pretty entertaining. I like the idea of rival groups of pirates and oddballs fighting it out, and this could be the best way to depict them.

    1. Hopefully we'll see more gubbins getting added down the line as new forces are released!

      I've just spent the morning cleaning, glueing and greenstuffing a dozen plastic Orks using Shadow War Armageddon as a rough guide and am looking forward to painting them up!

    2. My ork commandos could get an outing for this. Hmm...

  3. I'm very interested as well, I loved Kill Team back in 4th edition and I hope this game will live up to my expectations.

  4. It's by the same team that did the work on Shadespire so I am holding up high hopes.
