
Saturday 30 December 2017

End of the Year Roundup!


Well it's been an eventful year here at Spacecow Towers!

We've moved house, got a cat and I've reignited my joy of painting which has been a real boon. Ironically, this year has seen me paint far less than the last few years and I didn't even play any games over the course of the last twelve months.

Now with that out the way, I have high hopes for the next twelve months!

I've got some projects which are starting to build up a little bit of steam and I really want to get a game or two in as well as keeping up with the painting.

Firstly, there's my oft picked up and forgotten Epic project which I finally seem to be building up traction with.
Marauding Renegades

I currently have several small forces which I am hoping to expand into complete armies in the coming year. For the most part, this is going to be relatively easy to do as I have a goodly amount of unpainted Epic figures knocking about. I do however still need some assorted gubbins for my Eldar force as it's a little threadbare at present.

Eldar Raiders

The plan is to slowly add to each force and try out a few different game systems over the next twelve months which is a fairly manageable goal to set myself, especially as the number of figures I have to paint to get the the game size I am interested in is pretty low.

Secondly, my 15mm figures have taken a bit of a back seat over the last year or so with most of the stuff packed away for the house move and not yet in any gameable state. 


I have some plans for the little guys in the new year which should see me getting my 15mm mojo back too in a limited but focused way. I'm hoping to actually paint up quite a bit of the mini leadpile I have accrued over the last few years with the ongoing Farpoint project and will post some updates on my plan in the new year.

Farpoint Yak Pack

Finally, I seem to have fallen back in love with 28mm scale which is both great and highly annoying!

Denizens of the Labyrinth
I must admit that this is something I am having a bit of a quandary about as I've been finding myself sorely tempted to expand my dabblings into a longer term and rather more ambitious project but am worried that I would sicken myself and end up in a painting funk that would ruin my enjoyment of my hobby which is something to be avoided at all costs!

As a way of appeasing myself, I am thinking that I need to have a bash at painting up a small regiment in 28mm on good old fashioned square bases or a full squad of something 40kish and see how I cope. I want to avoid the more modern sculpts where possible, reserving the more complex and detailed pieces I happen across for my Labyrinth project.

Now I doubt I will manage to put together much more than that at a push but I will have to see how I get on and whether this scratches my Middlehammer cravings that seem to refuse to go away, no matter how much I try!

If I do this, the larger scale figures will probably be purely for the fun of painting as I really don't have the space to play anything like a game of Fantasy Battle or 40k in 28mm but I keep finding myself hankering after something retro that my teenaged self used to obsess over.

With this in mind, I look forward to the coming year and hope that I will get chance to put some of the assorted projects I seem to have found myself with into operation!

In the meantime, All the best and I hope you all have a fantastic New Year!


  1. Nice yak train. Is it scratchbuilt?
    Moving house is a bit disruption for hobbying. I found the same myself. Loss of a gaming community if you've moved far is pretty hard as well. Hopefully this next year will secure some improvements.

  2. The Farpoint Yak Pack looks amazing.

  3. Indeed, there's been lots of cool stuff going on! That Epic scale looks so tempting on the battlefield...

    Hope to see progress on your greenskins shortly :)

  4. Thanks for the comments folks!

    The Yak Train is indeed scratchbuit and I actually have another Yak awaiting painting!

    The Epic gubbins is keeping me well and truly entertained but some Greenskin rabble are hopefully going to make an appearance in the not too distant future!

    As I'm pretty much a solo gamer, I tend to need to motivate myself to play any games but last year was pretty much a non starter for hobby related shenanigans as the house move, work and a general lack of direction saw my output pretty much vanish!

    Still, this year is already shaping up to be a bit better!

    All the best!


  5. Hey There !
    My name is Joshua Stawiarski Co - Editor Of

    Sorry if this message is presented in a spammy way as I’ve been but a lot of wargamers it seems are hard to contact .

    I wanted to inquire about if you would be interested in selling published content you’ve already created that's on your website to us over here at as we are looking to diversify our content to expand our readership.

    If you are interested or have questions we can go over more details at:
    Put In The Subject Heading : “ Wargame Creator ”

    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    Co - Editor Of
