
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Unexpected Developments


It's a cold, frosty and foggy morning here meaning that I'm not going to be able to get any decent pics of my painting progress and the latest additions to my Labyrinth project until my next day off but I have found myself ruminating on my lead pile.

Orky Boy

Over the years I have collected, traded, sold and lost quite a collection and even got out of the hobby twice and it's got me thinking about my remaining bits and bobs.

Ultramarine Veteran Platoon

I had planned on selling or trading them away but have been playing with the idea of just painting them up over 2018 instead as a challenge to myself as I just know that I would regret getting rid of them at some point in the future.

War of Ashes Warband

This will present me with a bit of a challenge as I have a box of 28mm, a box of 15mm and a box of 6mm as well as numerous bits and pieces of resin scenics and vehicles that could do with a lick of paint, not to mention quite a few of my own sculpts that need painting too (lets not even mention the big jar of stuff that's been swimming in dettol for quite some time now!)

Imperial Troops

With that in mind, I am putting a halt to any miniature purchases other than bases, paints and putty from now until I can put a major dent into my collection. This will mean that my Labyrinth project will be developing in a somewhat sideways direction as I currently don't have many Goblins but do have a regular cornucopia of random bits and bobs that will fit in.

Ghoulani Enslaver Raiding Party

Goblins will appear eventually as I haven't lost hope that I will find the little guys in an as yet undiscovered box but if not, I may be tempted to pick up a very small selection of bits and bobs to finish a warband.

It's been rather refreshing to just pick up a random miniature and paint it and I suspect that my attempts will have all manner of fits and starts as it goes but it will result in me having some rather large forces for Epic, a decent sized Eldar force for Rogue Trader, assorted fantasy warbands and at least three forces for 15mm skirmishes too!

With this in mind, I am going to have a good rummage through my collection and see what exactly I have that has languished in a box for years and will attempt to post some pics of the assorted stuff I have (at least when something like sunshine returns to Dundee!)

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. I am pretty much in the same boat mate! With enough models from enough different genres to last a lifetime! I shall be watching your progress with interest.... especially your excellent epic stuff!

  2. Me too! Having worked out how to strip metal models, and having been given a load of minis, I really ought never to buy anything again. Of course, I probably will.

  3. Thanks for the comments folks!

    I'll have an update tomorrow with the first two or three additions to my painted collection as well as a bit of a peruse through my leadpile too!

    The temptation to buy more miniatures is strong but I'm hoping to offset it somewhat by painting lots of stuff and trying to even play a game or two in the new year!

    All the best!

  4. You have such great sfuff in your collection...
