
Sunday 5 October 2014

Warzone 15: Nepharite and Razide Progress Report


Well its my second day off in a row and alas there's not been much time for sculpting or painting my assorted gubbins as I have a commission to finish but I have had time to sort out some pictures of my sculpting progress for my Warzone 15 project:

 Razide and Nepharite

The two sculpts are pretty much finished but still need a head adding. I am thinking of sculpting them separately so folks can decide what beastie they want them to look like themselves by supplying a sprue of three heads. Once I've finished them, these sculpts as well as my gun toting zombie sculpts will be going up for sale to anyone who would like to pick them up (proceeds will be going towards our wedding!) 

 Rear View!

Next up, here's a quick pic of the newest addition to my Helios Elf force, a Spearman!

House Helios Spearman

I've had this chap for about ten years now, ever since the range was first released and he was stripped and given a fresh coat of paint recently and I must say, I am quite pleased with how he turned out! I doubt I will do much with the 28mm scale stuff that I am painting but its quite satisfying to be painting my way through my lead pile and who knows, maybe at some point in the distant future, I will actually have a home big enough to get a gaming table!

I have an action packed few weeks ahead with commissions, training days at work and even a trip to Glasgow and London to look forward to so I don't know how many updates I will manage over the course of the month but I shall see what I can do!

All the best!

1 comment:

  1. Dat Ass!

    It's uncommon even for internet standards to see razide's buttcheeks arround.

    Those chaps look pretty neat. Razide's head is no mistery to anyone but I guess what will be your take on Nepharite's cause 'cept for the 3 horns thay look really different depending wich power they are followers of.

    Looking at the weapon, it might be classic algeroth but demnogongis, muawihe and semai heads would work too.

    Darn names... those are untypeable!
