
Sunday 31 August 2014

Warzone: Decision Time!


Well I have spent the weekend trying to decide on which of the three Warzone options I had been thinking of to go for and have come to a decision of sorts!

My initial thoughts were firmly in the camp of using the classic figures exclusively and reliving an Oldzoner type thrill from the mid 90s but sadly they are getting increasingly hard to pick up, not to mention rather expensive. Yes there are some shops that still have stock and Prince August in Ireland still produces much of the range but I am a gamer on a rather infinitesimal budget so that option is sadly closed to me for now.

 Mitch Hunter and Big Bob Watts bring the hurt to the Dark Legion on Mars

The second option of using the new resin stuff from Prodos is also tempting but while its really nice stuff, some of the sculpts just don't look quite like I wanted the background to be. I can convert stuff where necessary but my stylised sculpting may not fit in with the super realistic new computer generated sculpts.

I think the problem is that the original artwork made the game look like it was straight out of the pages of a comic book and sculpts reflected that. The newer sculpts look fantastic but are possibly a little too realistic! I had thought of mixing and matching in new and old sculpts but the scale is just a little too far out to make it look good.

A Brotherhood Agent on Dark Eden

Finally I had thought of going down the 15mm route, resculpting and converting as I went. This option is seriously tempting as I have already produced a load of Warzone inspired stuff but on the down side, while there are huge numbers of 15mm scale stuff produced these days, quite a lot of it is unsuited to the science fantasy universe of Warzone.

This leaves me with the task of finding, converting and more often than not, sculpting entire factions which is rather time consuming to say the least!

Of all the options, in an ideal world I would go for some sort of combination of the first two but if I actually want to play some games, I think 15mm will give me the most chance of actually getting it into the realms of possibility.



I may still be tempted by some of the larger classic figures to paint as they are despite everything, really quite good fun but I doubt I will ever manage to get a game in with them! I freely admit that there are quite a few I fancy having a bash at too, just look at DEMI MORGANA'S fantastic work that has brought even the most awkward looking sculpt to life!

Hopefully my quest won't take too long to get going and I will be able to post a 15mm scale battle report here before too much longer!

All the best!

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