
Friday 21 March 2014

Zykhee Soulless


Here's the latest addition to my Rogue Trader project, a Zykhee Soulless.

 Zykhee Soulless

Originally from the rather awesome Vor: The Maelstrom, The Zykhee are a tall race of androgenous humanoids with an extra joint in their arms and legs. I was never too much of a fan of them when they were first released but I picked up this chap from Gateshead Gaming at a convention last year.

Game wise, I think he will be a combat esper, combining powerful martial arts skills with psyker powers and his staff looks like a good alien tech version of a force rod too!

I had quite a lot of fun adding some freehand designs onto his robe but the figure itself took very little time to paint, just a basecoat, some drybrushing and a few washes. I am really pleased with how he turned out and I believe he was actually sculpted by Kev Adams so has loads of character.

He's a really tall figure and heres a couple of shots showing just how big, compared to a Ork Ripper Suit and a Bloodaxe trooper:

I have a few other bits and bobs which I plan on painting up to use as an Inquisitorial hit team and may include the Zykhee in their numbers!

Finally heres a quick shot of my Bloodaxes thus far:

Mobbed Up!

I only need to finish a couple more of their kin to get a playable force and quite like the eclectic mix of figures and ranges that are beginning to emerge from my leadpile as its giving me a brilliant selection to choose from and really seems to embody the spirit of Rogue Trader. It also seems to be rather in the spirit of my Budgethammer pledge from last year.

Hopefully I will manage to get some more of my leadpile sorted out over the coming week or so and have some more Imperials to work on as well as a possible Inquisitor too!

All the best!

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