
Sunday 26 January 2014

The Counter Continent?


Apologies for the lack of updates of late but I have been somewhat distracted by a bit of an Oldhammer project!

Whisky Priest over on his BLOG came up with the fantastic suggestion to showcase Oldhammer by challenging folks to collect two small regiments and a character using readily available or super cheap figures.

I have taken up the challenge by collecting and painting a Slann warband using 15mm figures for a fraction of the price of getting hold of these super rare figures in 28mm scale. While the project is ticking over over on my Tales From Farpoint blog, I have been wondering how I might combine the concept of Lustria with my Aeroth project.

The result has some really fascinating possibilities.

Aeroth has been laid waste by the Elves so expeditions of Humans have set sail for the fabled Counter Continent, a land long wreathed in mists, whose shores have never previously been explored with only brief glimpses seen from lost ships.

The storm of Wild Magic that raged across the continent of Aeroth has dispersed this impenetrable barrier and the last civilised remnants of humanity has fled to its mysterious shores. They have named the land Crucible as it is here humanity will be reforged and eventually reclaim their desolated home.

Handily this will allow me to combine all manner of background gubbins from Leviathan, Warhammer and even the old favorite Crucible by FASA! Imagine the conquest of the New World where Human conquistadors fight to hew out a new land for themselves while fending off attacks from the indigenous beings, namely the Slann culture and the wild tribes of humans and other, less well known races.

With the destruction of Aeroth and the Human cities that once stood there, these brave adventurers must survive the strange new world, fully aware that there is not going to be any re-enforcements or supplies!

Crucible, unlike Aeroth has been protected from the destruction wrought by the Elves by the powerful magics and technology of the Slann and the vast jungles, endless plains and mountains that the ancient race of amphibians calls home is jealously guarded by the legions of the Slann god kings.

Despite their vigilance, several small fortified towns have sprung up on the Eastern shores. The largest of which is Farpoint and it is the new seat of power for the Human race and guarded by the Principate of the Eternal Queen and the Knights of the Eternal Light.

As each continent is so different, I will be keeping the blogs separate but it gives me the opportunity to really explore another, underused background and landscape to fight over!

All the best!

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