
Saturday 4 May 2013

Gaming Space


Well I am back from my hols, relaxed and ready for my return to work tomorrow but have been having a bit of a ponder on where I am with my various projects at the moment.

I seem to have been getting quite a bit of painting done over the last month or two which is great but have come to the realisation that theres no way I am going to be able to play Oldhammer in 28mm scale. Theres a couple of reasons for this, one being the cost of collecting a decent number of 80s/90s sculpts which due to the popularity of Old School Gaming at the moment has risen considerably over the last 18 months or so making it increasingly difficult for me to collect a force without spending an arm and a leg.

Coupled with the fact that I paint at a rather glacial pace, the prospect of spending months to get even a small force put together is rather unappealing.

Slow Progress!

The second and greater stumbling block is the fact that I just don't have much gaming space. In fact I can only just manage a 2'x3' board which makes for a rather cramped game.

Small Space!

I have however come up with what might be a bit of a solution! Firstly I will be using my 28mm scale stuff for small RPG lite type skirmishes and relying on 15mm scale for larger battles essentially allowing me to collect up a decent army quite quickly and cheaply and play a game by simply halving all the ranges and movement! 

Skirmish Fun!

Hurrah for 15mm!

I also hope to flesh out my small 6mm forces a bit too and actually get a game or two in as well and looking back at my old posts, I had a vague idea of getting some down at heel mercenaries put together using Battletech figures too!

A Squat Platoon

I actually have enough bits and bobs to represent quite a few forces of Marines, Orks, Eldar and Chaos not to mention Squats so who knows what I will get round to painting next. I suspect that its going to be important to keep varying it to keep me interested so I don't get bored!

All the best!

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