
Thursday 7 March 2013

Painting Dwarves!


Well I seem to have found myself painting some 28mm scale Dwarves for the first time in years since my Leviathan project ground to a halt while I was still at University!


For the most part they are the identical plastics produced by Games Workshop back in fourth edition of Fantasy Battle but with a rather lovely Heartbreaker Miniatures leader!

I must confess I am not sure what I will do with the little fellows as yet but I am sorely tempted to have a bash at playing some of the rulesets I have kicking around which is why they are on the 20mm square bases which will allow me to use them in games of Warhammer and Crucible as well as more skirmish based games like dare I say it, Leviathan?!

I have enough bits and bobs to bash together a small Dwarf army without buying anything else which is very handy too! What I do need though are some command troops as I currently seem to be missing some musicians and standard bearers to complete the units! I must admit I am really liking the Heartbreaker Dwarf and may have to nip over to Black Tree Design and Ral Partha Europe to pick up a few more of the style.

The plan is to get the unit up to 10-12 figures with a complete command and see how I go! I will need to see if I can rummage out some more bits and bobs to go with it but I already find myself basing up some Hobgoblins to menace them!

All the best!

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