
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Annoying Intrusion of Real Life


Just a quick message to say that posting may get a bit erratic over the next month or so as we are going to be moving house.

We are currently renting some rooms from my girlfriends mum but the situation has gone from inconvenient to down right infuriating with demands for ever increasing amounts of money. Coupled with the stress of it all and our inability to work we have come to the decision that its time to move.

I dont want to harp on about my woes but I will say both my girlfriend and myself have been getting so stressed about the whole situation that its started effecting our health and that everything one hears about the terribleness of mother in laws is true and then some...

We need space to work as we are both self employed and our businesses need to get up and running and we just cant do it at present as we have been pretty much banned from working in the house. Fortunately we have somewhere to go, initially to my parents and then to Dundee where I still have a flat but the tenants will be there for a few months yet. We had considered holding off the move till January but things have come to a head here and we have had enough!

Therefore my miniatures are going to be boxed up ready for the move but worry not! I will try to keep a few bits and bobs out to work on in the meantime as its one of the few things keeping me sane at present. Once we move I will be able to get access to my folks attic and the pile of unpainted lead I have in storage there so hopefully will be able to add a lot more bits and bobs to the blog then.

An added plus to the move will be that I will finally have my gaming room in Dundee back so a gaming table of reasonable size, storage space and the ability to get some scenery together along with a load more miniatures is on the horizon which will mean I can finally achieve the holy grail of actually being able to play some games!

I am still more than happy to take commissions for sculpting as I can still work out in the shed here and my parents will be actively encouraging us to get on with some work there too.

It just goes to show that hindsight is a great thing as when we left University and my job at Aardman finished we should have moved straight to Dundee and bypassed all this nonsense!

Still we live and learn and we have a goal to work towards and the move will allow us to finally get on with our jobs after a year of one hassle after another. The move will also see me finally being able to get some miniatures sculpted and cast for myself rather than having to sell all my sculpts on to second parties!

All the best!

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