
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Life, the Universe and Everything Gaming Related!


Well I have had a bit of an interesting few days here and I find myself sitting painting 28mm scale figures when only a month or so back I had all but given up on larger scale figures for 15mm scale. On top of that I have been re-exploring miniatures and rules that I used to collect and paint and game quite some time ago before going to university and even before that and in doing this I have re-found my enjoyment of my hobby.

For almost a year I hadn't played a game or even painted anything due in part to workload and our current accommodation but also due to a bit of a hobby burn out. I just couldn't face painting anything and miniatures just didn't seem interesting anymore. This has changed over the last few months as I saw some other folks blogs, especially those who have begun investigating some of the rulesets of the 80s and early 90s such as Rogue Trader and 3rd edition Fantasy Battle. Likewise a single topic on the LEAD ADVENTURE FORUM has rekindled my interest in games like Chronopia and Warzone which I had thought extinct.

Sadly as already mentioned, I don't have much of a budget for gaming at the moment but I am not going to wail and gnash my teeth about it. Instead I am going to put my puny budget to the best use possible, to start collecting my own old school miniatures. The budget will actually prove a boon as it will force me to limit my purchases to a few miniatures a month and allow me to get them painted before buying any more!

Interestingly I see that quite a bit of the Warzone and Chronopia ranges are still available so I may have to make a start with them as 40k and Fantasy Battle already have lots of blogs dedicated to them but these two games produced by Target in the early to mid 90s were fantastic, both rulewise and had really good backgrounds not to mention some really decent miniatures!

Oddly I have still got much of my Sons of Kronos force in storage so will be looking it out, dusting it off and rebasing them!



I will rummage out my bits and bobs and will try and get a few photos taken in the morning!
All the best!

1 comment:

  1. Always liked these rules. Bought very few minis, but found I could just use stand ins. Worked fine.
