
Saturday 31 December 2011

End of Year Roundup!


Well its been a bit of a mixed year here. I've finished University, moved house and even set up my own company but more importantly I've been able to play a few games and paint some miniatures!

The new year promises to be very interesting with another move of house (I hope) and more importantly I am hoping to get some of my sculpts into production as I have my very own casting machine!

I am also planning on running a solo campaign covering some fairly major events in Aeroth featuring the struggle going on in the Axeblade Mountains between the Dwarves and Orcs but also with a plethora of other stuff too!

I am also beavering away on developing some stuff for the new Battles With Miniatures which will hopefully see light of day in a month or so and will feature all sorts of bits and bobs relating not only to Leviathan but to Void, Kryomek and lots more!

I am also determined to live up to my target of one game a week and hope to beat my fairly poor total of seven games this year. I'm hoping to use the campaign as a springboard for a load of games and will be working on more terrain including some fairly large additions!

Anyhow, I'm now off to climb a hill for no other reason than to keep the mother in law happy so wish me luck!

Happy new year to everyone!


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