
Monday 18 April 2011

Musings on Scale


Well I've had chance to have a think about where I am going with my Leviathan project and have come to a few conclusions.

Firstly 15mm scale is the way to go as I have had far more enjoyment sculpting and painting in that scale than the larger or smaller ones.

Following on from that I have been interested to note that I haven't actually bought any miniatures for ages. I believe this is for several reasons such as time and money but more importantly I can now sculpt whatever I want which saves considerable funds and is lots of fun too.

Also I seem to have a great deal more luck painting my own sculpts. I am not sure why but the stuff sculpted by me seems to be easier to paint. Maybe its because I don't add lots of little details but keep the sculpts fairly simple.

Anyhoo, enough rambling and onto the main thrust of my ponderings! Fantasy aerial combat continues to be the most read topic of my blog so I am going to try and sculpt up some flyers. I have my Orc Darkwings underway but also plan on getting some Dwarven war balloons sorted out too!

Alas it will probably take me until the end of May to get any work done for myself as commissions, work and university are taking up the vast majority of my time at present!

All the best!

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