
Tuesday 3 July 2012

500 Point Army: Crucible V Warhammer


I thought I would have a bit of a look at the difference between a small force of 500 points for a couple of different rulesets with the plan of using the same force in both games!

I am currently looking at a small Dwarf army and first I will look at whats available to the Dwarf general in Crucible.

The Dwarves in Crucible are rather different from the typical mountain dwelling Dwarves of Warhammer instead living in travelling communities and employing lots of Gnomes and Halflings who are in fact smaller breeds of Dwarf.

In Crucible, each army needs a single general and in the case of the Dwarves, its the Grandfather. In game turns the Grandfather is rock hard with 4 wounds, 4 attacks and a pistol that gives them a really nasty ranged attack. His strongest ability though is called Gunther's Charge, it allows him to whip up nearby Dwarven units into a frenzy that allows the entire army to speed its movement once a game.

At 131 points he takes up quite a chunk of the points but as its a mandatory choice, its necessary.

Next up theres the required units, Shieldmen and Thunderchief's. The Shieldmen are the core close combat troops and are decent in melee and also difficult to panic. Thunderchief's on the other hand are armed with Thunder Rifles which gives them a devastating punch at range.

I will select 14 Shieldmen at 224 points and 6 Thunderchief's at 138 points bringing my total up to 493 points.

Grandfather 131 points
14 Shieldmen, 224 points
6 Thunderchief's 138 points
Total: 493 points

Now onto Warhammer!

For such a small game I will only go for one hero of a lower points value, in this case a level 10 Anvil Cleaver for 88 points, plus heavy armour, shield and hand weapon he goes up to 92 points giving me a decent character to lead a regiment.

Next up theres some units, in this case a regiment of 15 warriors with standard and musician for 187 points and a thunderer unit 10 strong for 130 points which leaves me with about 100 points left over which I will spend on a small unit of 10 Trollslayers with extra hand weapons for 90 points

Anvil Cleaver (attached to the warrior regiment) 92 points
15 warriors, including standard bearer and musician 187 points
10 thunderers 130 points
10 trollslayers 90 points
Total: 499 points!

Its interesting to see that for similar size games, one needs almost twice the number of figures for Warhammer so I will probably begin with Crucible and work up to the Warhammer force!

Looking at the miniatures available, I figure its probably going to cost me about £30-£40 for the Crucible force but about £50-£60 for the Warhammer one but its doable as I have several Dwarves here and a load more in my parents loft which will cut down on the cost considerably. Coupled with rummaging through the local shows and ebay for bargains I think its possible to reduce the cost further.

We shall see what I can come up with!

All the best!

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