
Wednesday 29 December 2021

2021 Yearly Review


Sadly I've been too busy with work to really post much this December but I do have time to take a peek back at what I have got done throughout the year and ponder a bit about what I hope to do in 2022!

Miniatures Painted 2021: 177 or +29 on 2020

Unsurprisingly I got more done this year than last, largely due to lockdown 2.0 which saw me getting a ton of hobby stuff completed or at least worked on and a surprising return to the joys of 28mm scale after pretty much writing off any interest in the scale I had in previous years. 

I think this is partially due to me having some stuff lying around that I've had sat unpainted for literally decades in some case and the lockdown forcing me to actually do something about it all and partially due to me delving deeply into character driven skirmishes in a more RPG lite sort of game than larger skirmishes and finding the experience rather rewarding.

My Inquisitorial agents Fisher, Geralt and Vash even managed to stir a proper campaign with several interconnected games being played and more figures getting painted to add to the choice of foes, rivals and allies and I suspect that this approach will be what I will be trying to duplicate in 2022 as super small skirmishes between half a dozen figures is actually manageable without having to paint an absolute ton of stuff, construct large amounts of terrain or spend vast sums of money!

Sadly as the year proceeded, work picked up and hobby time began to suffer and my man cave was largely unused for gaming but I did manage to keep going with the effort and painted up a surprising quantity of figures that by in large, I'm really pleased to have finished.

With the addition of several odds and ends I think that I'm set up for trying to beat this years score with the painting front as I have still got lots of bits and bobs lying around that will come in handy in the coming twelve months and want to set myself a challenge to paint at least one figure a week throughout the year. Obviously some weeks will have more done than others but I do like a bit of an achievable objective to work towards, especially as we won't hopefully have any more lockdowns to leave me with time on my hands!

While I would like to be a bit more focussed on getting individual projects completed, my scattergun approach seems to have worked as whenever I've started to flag on one warband or genre, I skipped off to another and succeeded in keeping myself entertained and not burning out and the eclectic mix of figures have given me all sorts of ideas for ongoing campaigns, games, warbands and any number of other random hobby goodness that I'm keen to explore!

Thats not to say that there aren't things I'd really like to work on further, be it my Alternative Imperium, Brutal Quest Dark Age project that got started but not finished or any other thing that I've pondered on but I do want to try and keep the randomness going into 2022 and if it means that I have lots of mini projects on the go at once but am enjoying myself, that's all that matters!

Speaking of plans for 2022, I have big plans for both my Rusty Robots and Somewhere on the Border collection and will be aiming to dedicate a bit of time and effort throughout the year to keep building the warbands and terrain and playing some games and campaigns as I go. I'm also pondering some small scale stuff, be it my Fantasy Land Ironclads or some VSF Aeronef, I'll see what I can come up with but my primary goal will be to keep enjoying myself, painting figures and playing games.

Speaking of games, lets take a look at how I did:

Games Played 2021: 47 using eight separate systems or +25 games and +2 systems from 2020

Whee! I averaged almost a game a week over the course of the year and while I've not managed to post battle reports of all of them, the total has been really heartening and hugely enjoyable and the fact that I've managed to play such a variety of them has been fantastic fun and I'm aiming to play even more and different games in the coming year.

I've played lots of sci-fi skirmishes in steaming jungles, abandoned bases, derelict space hulks and rundown cities. Adventures have been had and villains thwarted, heroes acted heroically and xenos threats purged! I've really enjoyed the experience of mixing systems and bodging rules to play the sorts of games I love. The model count has usually been no more than about 15-20 a side but its been great fun and even the smallest of skirmishes featuring as few as two figures on a side and on a 1'x2' board have been utterly great fun.

I've even managed that holy grail, to play an interlinked series of scenarios in a loose sort of mini campaign which saw my Imperial Agents battling a shadowy foe and while the campaign never ran to its conclusion, mostly due to me running out of time, it's been a great experience and again something I'm keen to replicate and build on in the coming year!

My Boar Company even managed to get an outing, giving their hated foe Marik Goldhelm a thrashing and once again sending him scurrying off to hide which was awesome fun and reminded me that my own sculpts are something I really enjoy working on and playing around with and deserve more of my attention.

We shall have to see what 2022 brings but I am hoping that no matter what lockdowns, pandemics or other shenanigans it brings, I will at least have my hobby to retreat to to keep me sane and thank you all for spending the time to read my ramblings and put up with my random posts and I hope you all have enjoyed Tales From Farpoint and despite Bloggers increasingly annoying bugs and quirks I hope to keep posting here every week with progress reports, random pondering and lots of miniatures, games and other stuff so until then, All the best and I hope you all have a fantastic new year!


Saturday 4 December 2021

Rangers Of Shadow Deep?


I've found myself perusing with interest some battle reports of Rangers of Shadow Deep and must admit that I'm finding myself rather tempted to have a bit at a bash at it in the new year once the festive season and all its business is over with.

I'd initially ignored the game but have recently watched Ash of Guerrilla Miniature Games campaign and it looks pretty interesting and actually reminded me of the old Simon R Green Forest Kingdom books, especially Blue Moon Rising and Blood and Honour.

They were cheesy, pulpy fantasy and as a teenager I absolutely loved them and for a while in the 90's Simon R Green was quite a popular author but as tastes change, he seems to have somewhat vanished from most bookshops and his books are largely out of print which is a bit of a shame as they're well worth a read but I digress!

What I'm finding myself tempted with is that if I was to embark on this project I have three different options. One is to use proper old school figures and slowly build a themed collection. This would be a great way for me to feed the need to collect some awesome old figures and paint them up and there's tons of brilliant stuff to choose from as the RPG lite sort of game that Rangers is allows one to put together some interesting options.

The downside to such a project is that I would need to spend an amount of cash to get the figures I needed and a lot of the old Citadel stuff I covet is getting to be silly prices on Ebay and while there are some really nice and characterful sculpts from modern producers, the amount of detail on may is off putting to say the least and I'm aware of the fact that I tend to start projects and not finish them!

The second option is to set the action in my world of Aeroth and sculpt my own figures. This has the added benefit of getting me more interesting stuff for my Boar Company to fight and quite a few folks have mentioned that they like seeing them in action.

I'm currently pretty drawn to this option as I really do want to flesh out the warbands I have access to and I do enjoy sculpting the little chaps but there is also a third option that may yet win out: 

Robots of Scrap Deep! Yes I'm thinking of pootling about with setting the action in a planet wide scrapyard and making the rangers and their foes robotic!

Goodness knows how things will go as there's not much I can do at the moment as work is pretty full on but in January I hope to lay out some goals for myself to work towards and it may be a fun project to work on!

Either way, I'm going to pick up the PDF and see what it's like and will see how things go from there but I'm leaving my options open for the time being as I genuinely don't know which approach I will end up going for. 

In the meantime, All the best!

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Flintloque/Planet 28 Mashup


I managed to play out a quick game of Planet 28 using my old Flintloque figures the other day in a much needed bit of hobby time after our flat got flooded no less than seven times in the last couple of months!

Sadly I only managed to get a couple of fleeting shots (apologies for the crappy lighting and often blurry nature of said shots!) of the action but the scenario was a really quick test game to see how the system worked with black powder level technology and it was rather fun to boot!

Sharke and Harpy been scouting the local Goblin settlements cantina in search of some grog to requisition for the lads in the 95th Rifles but stumbled upon an Elven patrol and a shootout ensued.

Harpy and Leftenant Sharke

Sharke is armed with a rifle, sword and light armour whilst Harpy has a volley gun. Game wise, the Rifle has a long range and decent amount of stopping power but takes 2 actions to reload whilst the volley gun is short ranged but deadly if it hits but takes 3 actions to reload successfully.

Ferach Voltigeurs 

The Voltigeurs are armed with muskets which have a fairly decent range and stopping power and take a single action to reload. The Orcs have a decided advantage in close combat whilst the Elves are generally better shots.

The battlefield consists of a huddle of huts with several patches of trees and the odd standing stone with the Orcs entering from the right and the Elves from the left.

Things began fairly slowly with the Orcs splitting up and approaching the Elves from different sides of the village but the Elves still got the drop on Sharke with one Voltigeur getting a lucky shot off which caused eight points of damage to the doughty Half Orc.

Furious at getting shot, Sharke forgoes returning fire and charges the startled Elf with a bellow and manages to badly maul his foe (16 points of damage!) before driving the Snivelling and now badly bleeding Elf back. But the badly beaten Elf was made of surprisingly stern stuff and reloaded his musket with a shaking hand and muttered a prayer before pulling the trigger. Opening his eyes, he sees Sharke lying flat out on the ground, seemingly dead (I rolled a perfect success for his shot which resulted in maximum damage and Sharke rolled terribly for armour!) Could this be the last we see of the exploits of Leftenant Richard Sharke?

Meanwhile on the other side of the village, the two remaining Elves had taken potshots at the Bog Orc Harpy but only managed to enrage him and I had hoped that his Volley gun would make short work of the pesky Elves but he managed to miss at near point blank range and had to resort to clubbing the pointy eared Ferach to a pulp using the now unloaded weapon like a bludgeon, swearing profusely whilst he did so.

The game concluded with the badly wounded Voltigeurs legging it before the wrath of Harpy who paused to scoop up his possibly dead officer before heading to the cantina for some much needed refreshments and pour some booze down Sharkes throat to bring him back to the land of the living.

All in all, I really enjoyed playing the Flintloque/ Planet 28 mashup as its such an easy system to tweak to work with whatever figures or indeed setting you have. Musketry is fearfully effective and I think in subsequent games I make mess around with wounds and armour levels a smidge but I am looking forward to getting some more games in the near future!

Sadly I am finding Blogger to be a total pain in the bum at the moment with a lot of features I've used for years inexplicably changed, removed or in some way made infuriating which has resulted in me blogging less than I'd like. (case in point the text box where I've been displaying my painted figure count!) Hopefully it will return to something like normal soon but I have started using Instagram too and will see how things go over there. I post under Spacecowsmith so if you fancy having a peruse, do feel free!

In the meantime, All the best!

Friday 5 November 2021

Returning to Flintloque, Sort Of...


I've been sorting through my assorted gubbins and found myself rummaging out my Flintloque and Deadloque stuff and it got me to thinking about finishing off the odds and ends that I've got based but not finished.

Now I doubt I'll be able to play full section level combat using Flintloque as I have a really small gaming area and lets face it, the attention span of a gnat so the prospect of needing 15-20 figures a side isn't something I really want to contemplate. 

Instead I'm thinking of using a hybridised version of Planet 28 and Brutal Quest and playing a number of linked scenarios with a handful of characters a side and see how things go.

I've still got most of the Flintloque box set to paint up but reckon I have enough painted to make a start on trying out some test games using my Deadloque games. I need to paint up a small base board to represent the frozen winter of the Witchlands and a couple more pieces of scenery as well but I'm quite looking forward to the prospect of playing some games again.

I'll get some terrain painted up in the next couple of days and will post my progress here so watch this space!

All the best!

Monday 1 November 2021

Designing Fantasy Land Ironclads Part 1


I've spent a bit of time looking at my scribbled notes and ideas about the design processes and possibilities for a fantasy Land Ironclads setting and thought I'd use this post to work out some of my ideas!

My initial aim is to get my Dwarf and Orc landfleets built and into action so I'll be looking at them initially and post a bit about what aesthetics and type of play they will be aimed towards.

The Dwarves specialise in engineering and have no magic or magitech, relying on the tried and true steam engine to power most of their vehicles, with a few exceptions so they will stylistically be lumbering and slow moving classic tank designs with a majority of their firepower aimed forwards to suit their defensive nature. The smaller vehicles in the landfleet are the Ironclads, well armoured and armed but slow. Similarly the heavier Anvil class is basically a beefed up version of the Ironclad with heavier armour and guns and are intended to plod forward and blast anything that gets within range of them.

But I also have the Warhammer and Battle Forge classes, proper cruiser level Land Ironclads who will be able to dish out serious amounts of firepower while trundling around. While the Warhammer has a single medium turret and two medium gun barbettes, they also have a pair of light gatling turrets to deal with any marauding infantry trying to sneak up on the flank. The Battle Forge is a bit of an oddball with a heavy gun turret but also a very powerful broadside which doesn't fit too well with the modern Dwarven approach to battle.

Ironclad Formation

I still need to make more cruiser level Land Ironclads for the Dwarves and plan on making a couple of big Battleship levels as well but am currently pondering on how to make these look. One of the best things about working in such a small scale is that I can make machines pretty quickly and easily and with the nature of an industrialised people who are fiercely clannish, they will have a fairly wide variety of styles and makes of warengines depending on which Hold they come from. 

The Dwarves also make use of walkers so I'm going to make a bunch of War Golems to give the Dwarven forces some more mobile contraptions and am contemplating making some larger Living Ancestor class Golems for a bit of fun!

There's also the Airfleet to think of as I already have a Dig bomber and some Gyrocopters to buzz around and annoy opponents and suspect that I'll be beefing this branch of the military up as well...

Finally I want to add some specialist Land Ironclads to my collection in the form of a carrier and possibly some heavy artillery too to give me a really large selection of stuff to choose from for the upcoming campaign.

The Orcish Horde is a very different beast.

Titanosaur Gun Wartowers

The Orcs are a culture that thrives on war but are largely nomadic and use vast lizard like creatures to act as their weapons of war so I've got several small and medium level Warbeasts done already but feel that the Orcs will also be getting some experimental and very unreliable Land Ironclads too as they attempt to modernise their forces. 

Gamewise, the Warbeasts will be quicker and probably more manoeuvrable than the clanking Dwarven machines and better suited to rushing forward and getting into close combat with their opponents, relying on the combat prowess of the Warbeasts to crush enemy formations. This will probably mean that I've got a lot of sculpting ahead of me as the beasts will probably be quite cheap gamewise as they're a bit fragile so need numbers to make up the deficiency in lastability.

Orc Formation

I've currently got Necrosaur and Titanosaur gun wartowers which will form the bulk of my forces but will give the force more options by including rocket wartowers and twin titanosaur heavy gun batteries to give them some long range punch. Coupled with lots of infantry and cavalry, the Horde should fight quite differently from the Dwarven defenders.

Land Ironclad wise, the Orcs will be getting some Orkish style scraptech. Bodged together from all manner of sources, the Orcish Land Ironclads will be formed of a fairly readily available small class and rarer but heavy cruiser classes to act as mobile command and bragging bases for the Khans to lord it over their followers and as already mentioned, they will be pretty experimental with some interesting weapon options ranging from spar torpedos to the Eye of Gorath!

Necrosaur Gun Wartowers

The Orc airfleet will consist largely of Darkwings and Wyverns, small to medium sized winged lizards which will be available in considerable numbers as they will rely on swarm attacks to wreak havoc on their opponents. 

Fluff wise, the Orcs in Aeroth are actually Gorathian's, a race imported from another planet by the Elves long ago to act as soldiers in their army but The Death caused by the thrice cursed Elves use of the World Killer Engine to defeat a mysterious foe has left them trapped on Aeroth and desperate to get back to their own world, or failing that to conquer this new one. They are a largely nomadic culture but do have several permanent settlements which are more like military camps than anything else. They have subjugated the Goblins and use them as manual labourers who farm, raise flocks of smaller creatures and generally act as cannon fodder in Orc attacks.

Thus far I've spend more time thinking about the Orcs and Dwarves than I have the Elves and Human Barbarians who make up the other two major factions in the game but here's some ponderings on them too!

The Elves are masters of Magitechnology so have access to all manner of arcane weapons of war. Their frontier forces make plentiful use of Earthbound Dragons. Twisted and mutated descendants of the true dragons are fast moving and capable of carrying Powerlances mounted on their scaly backs. Next up there is the Landfleet, beautiful but deadly grav vehicles who use Liftstones to float effortlessly over the landscape and powered by Earthpower, an arcane energy that the Elves contain within great crystals and allow the vehicles to move, fire weaponry and in some of the larger and specialised classes shield them from incoming fire.

The Elven forces will probably find themselves outnumbered by pretty much any opponent but their long range and deadly firepower will balance the scales somewhat and their rapid moving and oft times shielded vehicles will tip the odds in their favour more often than not.

The Elves also have access to the largest and most powerful of airfleets with dragonrider wings and great flying barques that can rain down destruction upon any foe with near impunity so there's plenty of interesting stuff to play around with!

As for the Barbarians, they specialise in Elemental magic so can summon great elementals to crush their foes so there will be a number of different sizes and types of elemental to make ranging from stone elementals armed with massive boulder throwing and combat potential to fire elementals capable of searing opponents to wind elementals who specialise in bringing destruction on airfleets.

They also make use of warbeasts like the Orcs so will have chariots and wartowers armed with small shard guns, elementally charged weapons that fire iron bolts at great speed and capable of transporting infantry. 

I've also got loads of other stuff to work on, be they the Sea Demons, Daughters of Leviathan, the Horned Folk, Children of the Moon, Followers of the Worm, The Knights of the Eternal Light, the City States, the Order of the Tower, Grey Elves, The Stygian, The Fallen, Mercenaries and more! 

Hopefully I'll get chance to flesh out each of these forces but I want to get the Orcs and Dwarves finished first as well as delving into the setting I've been creating as well so apologies for all the rambling but I've found it rather fun to start getting the project moving on so do expect more Land Ironclads updates soon!

All the best!

Sunday 31 October 2021

A Dwarven Infantry Regiment Arrives


Slightly later than hoped for but here's some pics of my completed Dwarf infantry regiments for my Land Ironclads project!

Constructed from two sheets of EVA foam and scored to give a bit of detail, they are a quick and easy way to give me some really cheap and effective figures for my game!

1st and 2nd Brigades of the 17th Dur Zamor Guard

I need to make at least another regiment of the little guys and add some light artillery to give them some support but I'm quite pleased with the newest additions to my forces and hopefully I'll be able to add some opposing Orc regiments to try and storm the defences of the Great Wall!

Annoyingly I seem to have run out of bases to build any more so I'll need to purchase some more but that will give me the excuse to build more Ironclads, heavy artillery and all manner of other Dwarven inventiveness before they arrive. I've got to start making some Orc warbeasts and I'm also messing about with some Orc warengine concepts so they can get access to some Land Ironclads too, preferably of a super unreliable nature!

I'll add more stuff here as I get them finished so watch this space but in the meantime, All the best!

Friday 29 October 2021

Land Ironclads Revisited


It's been a really busy few weeks and I've found myself seeking to get some hobby time in my much needed holiday.

Instead of working on the other gubbins I have, I have decided to revisit my 2mm Land Ironclads project with a vague aim of putting together enough stuff for my Dwarves and Orcs to play out a bit of a campaign in the coming year.

I'm currently working on getting a regiment of Dwarven infantry put together but will be building a load more stuff for the upcoming campaign as I got to thinking about having the Dwarves defending their great wall in the Axebite Pass against a mighty Orc Horde led by the mighty Khan Krull, chosen of Gorath!

There's a lot of fun bits and bobs that I have planned for the coming months including scenery and lots of warbeasts, war engines and flyers as I plan on starting small and building up until I can play a cataclysmic battle for the wall between scores of regiments and engines of destruction clashing including siege engines and all manner of interesting gubbins.

I'll try and get the infantry finished this evening and will showcase it tomorrow so watch this space and I hope to add some new units in the coming week.

In the meantime, All the best!

Monday 4 October 2021

Nepharite Sighting!


I've had this guy on my paint table for some time having picked him up for about £3.00 a few months back. I had primed him and made a start on the paintwork a while back but finally finished him and managed to get some pics.

Once a respected scientist with the Imperial labs on Proxima, Reginald Covinn was accidentally infected with a really unpleasant and virulent xenos pathogen while examining an ancient Mimjip artefact. Fleeing the lab he stowed away on an outbound ship and vanished from Imperial space for over a decade. 

When reports came in that the Warped had raided an Imperial settlement in the Farpoint Sector Inquisitor Fisher collected the surviving vid records of the attack and spotted the revolting creature directing a horde of pox ridden scavvies. Analysis on the images identified the creature as being Reginald Covinn. Somehow he had survived the Mimjip pathogen which had grossly bloated his form and turned him into a hulking, disease ridden horror.

Interestingly, Reginald seems to be operating with some method to his raids which seem to hint that he is searching for something more than unwilling test subjects. As yet Fisher has not been able to locate Reginald's current whereabouts but Inquisitorial investigators supported by local troops are searching for him as it is imperative that he cannot be allowed to spread contagion to any further settlements.

Originally a Demnogonis Nepharite from the old Warzone range, I repurposed him to act as a villain for my Inquisitorial team to fight as part of a mini campaign. I still need to get some infected troops and zombies as well as mad scientists to act as his underlings but I'm quite pleased with how he's turned out.

Infuriatingly I managed to drop him whilst painting him and broke off his halberd but a bit of glue seems to have fixed it. I also played around with some gloss varnish on his gribbly bits and weapons to give a more wet and unpleasantly diseased look to him.

The figure itself is a bit silly looking but was fun to paint and weighs an absolute ton!

I'm currently without a gaming table as we have to keep the spare room usable for a bedroom in the coming months so I doubt I'll get to use him in a game anytime soon but I'll keep plugging away with the odd figure until he's got an equally unhealthy retinue.

In other news, I made the most of the recent Ral Partha Europe discount day to pick up some more Battletech gubbins in the form of rulebooks and map sheets so I'm hoping to delve into them in the coming week once they arrive so watch this space!

In the meantime, All the best!

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Battletech Rumblings


I had planned on showing some pics of my latest additions to my Planet 28 forces this evening but was absolutely knackered when I got back from work so haven't had chance to get any pictures yet so hopefully tomorrow will see an update with some finished stuff in it.

Instead I've found myself shoving on some Death From Above Wargaming and Guerrilla Miniatures Games Battletech battle reports on Youtube and found myself once again drawn to the setting!

Interestingly it appears that many gamers are feeling the same way at the moment as a lot of GW gamers are making the move to the game of Armored Combat. Maybe its the fact that it hasn't changed much in 30 odd years or the rules are a bit like the old Rogue Trader, being a toolbox that allows you to really tinker with the size and complexity of game you want to play or the new and shiny and revamped miniatures which seem to be catching peoples attention but there is a real buzz about Battletech in the gaming community at the moment.

Coupled with the fairly readily available 3d printing tech that is increasingly allowing folks to print out their own customised mechs and the relatively low price point, with average forces being only four or five figures a side, it does seem that the latest round of kickstarters have got a lot of new folks interested in giving the game a try, be it classic Battletech on hexmaps, tabletop or the streamlined Alpha Strike.

I played quite a bit of both during the first lockdown but must admit that I've yet to play a game of it this year and am feeling the need to remedy this, either using my handy dandy cardboard counters, my own SD sculpted stuff or dare I say it, to buy some of those lovely new figures!

I'll need to rummage out my gubbins but annoyingly I've only got the digital editions which aren't that handy since my I-Pad went kaput a few years back so I'm thinking of investing in actually buying the box set, rules and tech readouts but have discovered that they are currently fiendishly difficult to get ones hands on, presumably as everybody else has had the same idea resulting in the usual sources drying up so I'll need to make do with what I've got for the time being. 

I'd be interested in hearing what other folks thoughts on the game are and if they've been tempted to dip their toes into the retro wonders of giant stompy robot combat.

In the meantime, All the best!

Friday 10 September 2021

The Aeronaut's Windlass, or Inspiration From an Unexpected Source


Well I'm back from my hols in Wales and mostly relaxed, other than the car deciding to have a wobble with only 400 miles still to go to get us safely home but it made it!

We spent a really relaxing week visiting family and I managed to trundle around a few fascinating historical sites ranging from Iron Age settlements to ruined monasteries which was really great but we also visited a lot of charity shops and second hand bookshops and in one of them I found a copy of Jim Butcher's Cinder Spires book one, The Aeronaut's Windlass for the princely sum of £1.25.

Now I've read quite a few of Jim's other series, The Dresden Files and really enjoyed them but managed to miss the Cinder Spires entirely (something I am quite embarrassed about as I work in a bookshop!) and must say that I really enjoyed it. 

At heart its a good old fashioned adventure with plenty of interesting heroes, villains and sinister plots but the world building was brilliant as its steampunk but with a difference as it is set in another world where great city states live in great monolithic spires built thousands of years ago by The Founders. The land itself isn't really described other than being heavily forested and inhabited by all manner of monsters.

Its a setting that reminds me somewhat of a Steampowered 40k and it's really quite evocative, especially as trade and combat is largely carried out between airships of varying sorts and it got me to thinking of re-exploring my Land Ironclads project and working on some aerial assets for some city states to fight over.

Better yet, it will be a really cheap project to undertake as the whole thing would be made from scratch using whatever interesting gubbins I have lying around!

Goodness knows if I'll get much done on my remaining days off before returning to work but I highly recommend picking up a copy of the Aeronaut's Windlass as its a really good fun read and well worth a peruse.

In other news, I've almost finished a big bad for my ongoing Planet 28 project and I'm hoping to keep working through other interesting bits and bobs in time for the release of the new 2nd edition of the game later this year and will post pictures of stuff once its ready!

In the meantime, All the best!

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Still Alive!


Its been a bit busy here at Spacecow HQ over the last month or so with a combination of work, visiting relatives and a total lack of hobby time. Coupled with the fact that my gaming room, our spare room come library has a double bed in it at present, I've managed to get absolutely nothing done!

I've got two weeks holidays coming up from next week but I'm off to Wales so I won't be getting much done there either! 

I do plan on taking my sketchbook with me to get my Somewhere on the Border and Rusty Robots projects a bit of fleshing out with a load of new designs, background and general gubbins planned!

For Somewhere on the Border, I have the Boar Company nearly complete with only a few odds and ends to sculpt and paint to give me the complete force but I do need to sculpt lots of other denizens of Aeroth including some random encounters for my adventurers to do battle with.

My Rusty Robots have kind of stalled with the Blue Tribe I'd been working on as the concept just didn't match the final sculpts so I'll be taking the opportunity to tweak the concept when I'm on holiday. Similarly I need to work on the other tribes, specialists, big guys and leaders for each!

I've also got some vague plans to work on my Planet 28 project as I've got a real hankering to do more for it so I may end up writing up a campaign while I'm away.

No doubt I'll get only a fraction of what I'm hoping to get done actually done but we shall see what I can actually do with two weeks of work free relaxation. I shall post an update when I get home in mid September but until then, All the best!