I've got my table set up again and have managed to get a couple of quick shots of my latest painting output!
First up, here's a half Orc I've had for a while now. He's originally from Grenadier but I picked him up from EM4 Miniatures a while back. He's been sat unpainted for ages but I finally got round to finishing him!
Half Orc
He will be incorporated into my Leviathan project and I've been trying to push my NMM style painting with all my stuff and I must admit that I am quite pleased with how he's turned out!
Next up, here's one of the skeletal ghosty chaps from issue 1 of the Mortal Realms magazine. At £2.99 I figured I couldn't go wrong and quite like how he turned out:
Gribbly Undead
Next up, I've got a couple of Barbarians, again originally from Grenadier, I picked them up about 10 years ago from Targe or Skelp (I can't remember which!).
Again, they will be incorporated into Leviathan!
I've also been painting up lots of my 15mm leadpile and have worked on my Wood Wode warriors:
Wood Wodes
They are Peter Pig figures that I've had for goodness knows how long and they were really good for cleansing my painting palette when I start flagging with 28mm!
I spent ages working on teeny tiny shields which I am really pleased with:
Shield Detail
While not painted this year, late last year I got a few 15mm scale Dwarves done too for a bit of a Smallhammer project:
Dwarf Troops
I also found an old Mordheim Gargoyle which got turned into a 15mm scale beastie:
It's been great to get so much painting done so early on in the year. I've also got to get some pics of my 2mm infantry that I've been working on but that's a post for another day!
Hopefully I'll have more pics in the next few days but in the meantime, All the best!